Writing Workshop Schedule

Continuing the discussion from Writing workshop 2024 planning (draft):

Hi all, here is a schedule confirmed for January and February. Check the Fedocal link for agenda and time link below to save your local time to calendar.

Writing workshop Jan 25 - Onboading


Advanced techniques for editing and contributing to Fedora Docs - Feb 22 by Justin Flory



Fedora Chat Documentation Room (#docs:fedora.im)

Fedora Documentation Room is open to a Matrix account from any homeserver.

If you are new to the Fedora Project and don’t have a Matrix account, we recommend you to create a Fedora Account and connect it with Matrix Account for best experience. After clicking the room link and signin button, press Continue with your Fedora Account. See image below.

Using a Matrix account with Fedora space (Fedora Chat) will make navigation of Fedora rooms easier and help access to Fedora tools such as Pagure (Git forge), Weblate (Translation), Fedocal (team calendar), and Discourse (discussion forum).

How to join Element/Matrix Video call

  1. Go to Fedora Documentation Room
    Room link: https://chat.fedoraproject.org/#/room/#docs:fedoraproject.org

  2. Click green Join Conference button on Jitsi widget. See image down below.

Workshop host/moderator will toggle video call option on before the workshop.

If you’re a presenter

If you’re sharing screen as presenter, join meeting using a Matrix-Element web app from Chromium/Chrome browser.

We are looking for presenters and moderators!

Please leave your comments if you want to take a part as a main presenter or moderator, so we can deliver varied content and encourage collaboration across working groups and SIGs.

Topic Time Main presenter Recording
Onboarding Mar Looking for a moderator No
Working on multiple repos Apr Hank Lee Yes
Onboarding May Looking for a moderator No
To be decided Jun Looking for a main presenter Yes
Onboarding July Looking for a moderator No
To be decided Aug Looking for a main presenter and co-host Yes
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You may want to change the date of the January workshop. The Creative Freedom Summit is happening from January 23-25.

Hi Joseph, I knew the Creative Freedom Summit was scheduled for the last week of January, but I didn’t believe audiences might overlap. Writing workshop happens before the Summit.

It is too short notice for me to change.

From the first post-event Limesurvey we carried out in December, most active participants are technical writers and new comers, who are inquisitive about Antora and Git repository for Docs.

January workshop is onboarding session that continues on March, May and July.

Next Fedora Docs ‘Interactive’ workshop will be on March 28, UTC 12:00 with lots of hands-on tutorials on how to improve documentation using your preferred command line interface and text editor. We alternate time to cater for different time zones.

@pboy do you want to take the lead on next workshop? I recall you ran a workshop in Flock 2023, which wasn’t recorded. Could you possibly revive that for those who were not able to be there?

We could split sessions into two;

  • March 28 (30 minutes): Preparing my local Fedora authoring environment, a guided step-by-step installation on your computer.
  • April 25 (1 hour): Editing a document in your local Fedora authoring environment, a guided editing session of a real text.

Thank you!

Yes, I’m ready to do that. I could guide with a Fedora Desktop (Gnome or KDE or any other if I know in advance) and macOS. If someone wants to use Windows, it’s possible in the Linux environment. But I would have to know that in advance, because I would have to set up a Windows here. I’m currently Windows-free :slight_smile:

And if someone gets stuck, they can share their screen, and we can find a solution together. This approach was very effective in my lectures during the Corona crisis, but it required time.

The same goes for the second one.

Thanks for your help. You’re the lead on the day, so pick your daily driver for Docs contribution because it is tested in practice and most reliable for you. And you set the pre-requisites for attendees, so we can reduce setting up time for attendees. That’s an advantage when we send out what they need to do it in advance. We cut down waiting time for others in video conference.

We need to be little conservative about being cross-platform for Docs workflow because I don’t know if all dependencies to run build/preview script are available for Windows and even run without compatibility issues. We also need to be less ambitious about turning other OS users to Fedora…let’s do it one at a time.

For various article topics, it is impossible to review or write about Fedora Linux if they don’t daily drive Fedora Linux (to be relevant closely). Use of FOSS tools for Docs will ‘walk the talk’ about our love of FOSS.

Yeah, from a pragmatic point of view, I agree. I would just like to keep the initial barriers as low as possible. But that’s probably not always possible. Let’s see who wants to take part.

Perhaps we should introduce a kind of optional “intending participation check-in”, where everyone can indicate their desktop environment and their content interests. That would make it a bit easier for us.

As we now use Jitsi in Matrix Chat in Docs room, you can tell who is intended audience for workshop. Justin set the expectations right in the beginning “Advanced techniques”. Before the workshop, we had a chance to shape up content topics and interest in advance.

I’m quite certain desktop environment does not matter if you use local authoring environment in Linux.

Check this video tutorial from Justin Flory if you missed the latest Docs workshop.


  1. Commands to set up a local environment.
sudo dnf install git podman inotify-tools
git clone ssh://git@pagure.io/fedora-docs/quick-docs.git
git clone https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/quick-docs.git
  1. Link to AsciiDoc and Antora

AsciiDocs Syntax Quick Reference
Antora directory structure

  1. Firefox settings for screensharing in Linux

Type about:config in the address bar and press Enter.
A warning page may appear. Click Accept the Risk and Continue to go to the about:config page.

Enter pipewire in the Search box, it will bring up the following preferences;

If false, toggle it to true, and restart Firefox.

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In March and April onwards, Peter Boy and I will guide you through

  • How to set up a local authoring environment: March-April (Peter Boy)
  • How to work with multiple Git forge and contribute to upstream Docs projects: May-June (Hank Lee)

Please check the set-up guide published in GitLab Snippet below.

First-Time Git Setup for a local authoring environment

Once we complete sessions on local authoring environment, I’d love to use repos for my tutorial that help resolving recurring issues and frequently asked questions that are not adequately addressed.

Theme: Helping out documenting FOSS tools and ‘How to work with multiple Git forge at the same time’’

  1. Pagure

Quick Docs - New Audio section

  1. GitHub: Fedora ecosystem

Rocky Linux (Markdown) Contribution process

  1. GitLab: upstream projects
  • qpwgraph (Markdown): repo
  • Wireplumber (RST): repo

Next workshop in April is scheduled on April 25 UTC 19:00-20:00 in Docs Matrix Room.


Because I’ll be on vacation between April 1 and 21, could anyone help with sending reminder in Mastodon and in this thread? (one in 2 weeks before the workshop and 1 week in advance).

Any events require communication to raise awareness.

To hosts/presenters: please help yourself with two little things.

1. Check system permission/settings in advance - it takes only a few seconds of your time

Check audio settings before the workshop. Normally, you can try;

  • browser or app (Element) permission of microphone: Docs Matrix room
  • security settings of OS/desktop environment
  • if you use VM, you need to enable audio on VM.

2. Share outline of workshop in this thread

If people know what complexity level and target audience a live event will cater for, more people will pencil it in their diary and come to events. If the session requires a series of Git commands, put it on publicly shared place like HackMD or GitLab, so attendees can set it up in advance or follow it through during the live session.

If this is not possible, I’ll have to cancel the session in April.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Next workshop schedule



p.s.) Due to a personal matter, I can’t commit to send comms out to social media and in Matrix Chat Docs room. Grateful if anyone can help out. AFK until end of June.

In lieu of aborted March-April workshop, I put together screencast on how to set up Git for Fedora Documentation Project and source file (step by step guide in text). Running time 10 minutes. No audio/narration.

Video (PeerTube)
Source: Text file

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We are going back to Jitsi Meet from June. Please find a guest login link. You don’t need an account or link with Google/Matrix acccount. Just click and you are good to go.

Link to Jitsi Moderated Meetings

View course content

Schedule: Jun-Aug 2024 (revised on 16 June 2024)

Topic When Difficulty level
Docs writing and review process in GitLab 1800-1830 UTC June 27 Beginner
Vale Language Server (vale-ls) for linting AsciiDoc files 1800-1830 UTC July 18 Advanced
Vale configuration and documentation linting 1800-1830 UTC August 15 Intermediate
  • Presenter: Hank Lee
  • Format: Playback of pre-recorded tutorial. The presenter will help with questions on live chat window in Jitsi.
  • Text editor for Vale integration: Kate or vim (I’ll be setting them upon both editors for testing and user experience).
  • New topics from September 2024: We welcome new presenters and new tutorial topics.

I’m sharing the speaker outline for the next workshop on 27 June.

  1. Introduction to Documentation Team
  2. Pre-requisites by workflow
  3. Peer reviews
  • Project Repositories: GitLab Fedora Group and Sub Group
  • Issues
  • Get feedback from reviewers
  • Ways to improve your work
  1. Live demo
  • Good First Fix
    – Broken links: Since Antora 3.0, the build script now report any internal dead links. And we have a lot of them. (GitLab UI: Build - Jobs - passed - pages)
    – Missing or outdated content

  • Fedora Repositories in GitLab
    – How to set up: Fork and update it

  • Web IDE
    – Limitations of Web IDE: No side by side preview of AsciiDoc. Visual review after build time
    – Open IDE (press .)
    – Navigate file explorer and identify file name
    – Create a branch
    – Edit
    – Merge requests
    – Visual review
    – Approval of MR by reviewers

  1. Wrap-up

  2. Q&A: Ask anything

Time allocation (estimate)
1~3: 5 minutes
4: 20 minutes
5~6: 5 minutes

If anyone wants to watch the workshop video, check this link to PeerTube.

Click to watch

Please find the course content for the next workhop on 18 July.

  • Test the docs with linter locally and why?
  • Style Guide templates
  • Live demo
    – Improve our documentation editing process
    – Quality assurance and linting
  • Best practice in technical writing community

July Course Content: Documentation Style Linting

Please note;

Recess until February 2025

I’ll be having a break with monthly workshop from September 2024 due to commitment with different SIGs/off-line activities and work commitment in Q3/Q4. The July and August workshop will be carried out as planned.

I am hoping to resume writing workshop from Feb 2025. Let us Docs team know if you want us cover new topics and we’ll be preparing content in advance. Thanks for your understanding.

Video platform

Video uploads to PeerTube channel ‘linuxrocksonline’ are down. I re-upload them to a new channel 'MakerTube’ once my account request is approved.

Is there a place to discuss changes to the Quick Docs, what to use ( Pagure / Gitlab ) and how to get Quick Docs articles updated and changes made more frequently?

  • Steps the Docs Team takes to review Quick Docs submissions
  • Remove of Grammatical errors, historical and tangential talking points from Quick Docs
  • Scope and Format of new Quick Docs
  • Wiki, Documentations ( not Quick Docs )
  • Availability for more Community member involvement in Quick Docs porocess

Hi, thanks for your heads-up on it.

If you prefer self-paced guide with documentation process, check the README page of Quick Docs.

For informal communication, I’d love to connect via Matrix Chat Docs Room.

We do wiki conversion for Quick Docs at times. However, if you mean to contribute to wiki of SIGs/working groups, I believe you need to consult with members of the SIGs/working groups.

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Very well, I’ll reach out to you all there.

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Just uploaded video tutorials to a new PeerTube channel

If you prefer text, check this contributor guide.