Docs Team meeting: Nov 1, 2023

Continuing the discussion from Docs Team meeting today (Oct 25, 2023):

The meeting will be held Nov 1 2023, #fedora-meeting-1, 19:30 UTC with IRC.

Topics to discuss:

Sorry for last minute notice due to time conflict

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#fedora-meeting-1: docs

Meeting started by pboy at 19:34:12 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call (pboy, 19:34:43)

  2. Docs Team meeting: Nov 1, 2023 (hkl, 19:35:00)

  3. November writing workshop agenda (pboy, 19:36:14)

  4. Docs Communication plan (pboy, 19:36:25)

  5. Meeting time adjustment (pboy, 19:36:37)

  6. How to unify meeting and collaboration tool: IRC or Matrix (pboy, 19:36:54)

  7. 1. November writing workshop agenda (pboy, 19:37:24)

  8. 2. Docs Communication plan (pboy, 19:53:39)

  9. 3. Meeting time adjustment (pboy, 20:07:07)

  10. ACTION: hkl and pboy will start to propagate addional meeting hours suitable for far east time zones. (pboy, 20:20:02)

Meeting ended at 20:37:21 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. hkl and pboy will start to propagate addional meeting hours suitable for far east time zones.

Action items, by person

  1. hkl
  2. hkl and pboy will start to propagate addional meeting hours suitable for far east time zones.
  3. pboy
  4. hkl and pboy will start to propagate addional meeting hours suitable for far east time zones.

People present (lines said)

  1. pboy (98)
  2. hkl (81)
  3. zodbot (6)

Generated by MeetBot 0.4.

Just a note, the matrix native meetbot is quite ready. We’re using it in the NeuroFedora meetings now. It pretty much has all the functionality it requires, and it does post the logs to mote and so on too.

As for the switch to matrix—unless the users on irc are active, or more active than the users on matrix, i’d say it’s fine to move. I love irc myself, but if the bridge isn’t going to work, matrix is a more accessible platform and so is probably to be preferred (at least for non overly technical teams?) I still monitor the fedora-neuro channel on libera, but most of our active contributors are happy with matrix so that’s where most of our discussion now happens.

Thanks for your note. We’d need to give advance notice about alternating meeting time, which supports Asia Pacific regions (08:00 UTC) from 2024.

As long as our trusty (and invisible) contributor, Meetbot, is active in Matrix, we will benefit from unified communication - chat, video call, Etherpad team docs and native Matrix meetbot.

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