I’m using fedora 34 and previously fedora 33 with gnome wayland and we use Cisco Webex at work.
I’m trying to share my screen on Webex using Firefox and although it seems that it’s working (the share icon is on the gnome topbar and webex shows the previous snapshot), my collegues can’t see my screen.
If I use google chrome I can share my screen enabling the pipeware flag using wayland and without any flag using Xorg.
I have tested on firefox with Xorg and the problem is the same, it seems its working but it’s not.
I have enabled the rpm fusion with the mozilla-openh264 plugin.
When my collegues share their sceens I can see them perfectly so It seems this is not a h264 plugin problem.
The thing is that using Debian Bullseye with gnome 3.38 it’s working with the firefox version downloaded from mozilla.org with wayland and Xorg.
I have tested with firefox version downloaded from mozilla.org and is not working either.
@sampsonf, I have tested the Flatpak version and doesn’t work either.
@johnnyjuki, I have tested the mozilla demo page and it’s working properly with both wayland and Xorg. I also did a test with jitsi.meet.si and works well too.
I can add: In Webex, the small preview on the bottom of the screen also works. The video just doesn’t get sent.
I believe the difference between Jitsi Meet and Webex is that Jitsi defaults to VP8, while Webex (only?) uses H264. Is there a good testing page that can force H264?
It seems it’s a problem with the workstation edition because I have tested with a Fedora minimal installation from the server edition and then install xfce desktop with: dnf group install base-x xfce dnf install firefox
And then following this guide:
Actually I just tried it on my laptop with a live usb stick: Workstation edition works after installing mozilla-openh264. So maybe there is a conflict with some rpmfusion package?
Just did the same thing, and it worked until I did a dnf up. This updated a bunch of packages, pipewire, specifically pipewire-gstreamer looks a bit suspicious.
Did you update your minimal installation before trying?
I “bisected” the updates in a VM and arrived, of all things, at the update from gnome-boxes 40.0-1 to 40.0-2. This pulls libvirt-daemon-config-network, which just writes
I really don’t understand what is happening here, but I guess this IP address might conflict with WebRTC somehow? This file is also present on my Fedora 33 install, so it’s not that simple.
Anyhow, try uninstalling libvirt-daemon-config-network and rebooting afterward, (maybe dnf donwgrade gnome-boxes first if you want to keep that) because that did it for me.
@cpl, I have just installed gnome-boxes on my minimal installation with xfce and now it is failing too. So yes, It seems that the configuration on ‘/usr/share/libvirt/networks/default.xml’ you mention is causing the problem.
@johnnyjuki, I have the ublock origin addon on my firefox and It’s working well if I have gnome-boxes uninstalled. Like @cpl mention in a previous comment, the problem seems to be related with a configuration on libvirt.