I want to send in using abrt four SIGABRT crashes for
plasma-workspace, powerdevil, plasma-desktop, xdg-desktop-portal-kde.
This is on a Fedora 42 Rawhide install I have.
But my ABRT gui has the wrong string loaded to it for the Key. It asked me for the key and I used the bugzilla URL it showed and grabbed the “Key id” from there which is just a five digit number. That was in there from a year or so back when I put in a maria db bug.
The ABRT accepted that or seemed to (there should have been a sanity check that the API key was 40 chars long for it to accept it but the app is not very robustly coded and was happy with my five digit integer “key”). I then figured out the problem when that API key didn’t work and showed an “incorrect key error” when I tried to send the report. I used the bugzilla page in my account to make a brand new API key and noticed it was super long (40 chars). The problem is I can’t find how to flush the bad key so it will ask again for the key. The GUI doesn’t have any apparent preferences page to clear the key so I guess there’s some conf file somewhere I have to delete a string in?
I found a likely folder in my home’s .config directory
tree .config/abrt
[mos mos 4096 Jan 25 14:06] .config/abrt/
└── [mos mos 4096 Jan 25 14:06] settings/
2 directories, 0 files
But there is no such “Preferences” in the hamburger menu in my ABRT on Rawhide, that’s the problem. My Fedora 41 abrt does have a “preferences” in the hamburger menu, but the abrt on my Rawhide 42 does not. Hence no way to reset the API key.
I finally found a file /etc/libreport/events/report_Bugzilla.conf that I think stores the API Key string and put the Key in there as the value for Bugzilla_APIKey
Bugzilla_BugzillaURL = https://bugzilla.redhat.com
Bugzilla_APIKey = < put my new API key here>
Bugzilla_SSLVerify = yes
Tried to send the report and it fails still for no obvious reason, it just states it could be due to incorrect configuration, network connection problem, or corrupted data.
Then I read someone suggesting putting the API key in file ~/.ssh/bugzilla_api_key but putting the API key there didn’t work either.
I’m giving up on gnome-abrt, I’d like to send in reports but it’s just too hard.
I can say that my rawhide system seems to be okay as far as crashes except for these general four:
or more specifically:
I was able to push a report via “abrt-cli” which seems to work much better than ‘gnome-abrt’.
So I’m going to use the abrt-cli from now on and consider this solved.
/usr/bin/abrt-cli report bc2db86
Reporting problem bc2db86
Error: Unable to open './coredump': No such file or directory
no actions matching this problem found for event 'collect_GConf'
Element 'xsession_errors' saved
no actions matching this problem found for event 'collect_vimrc_user'
no actions matching this problem found for event 'collect_vimrc_system'
Generating backtrace
Backtrace is generated and saved, 64390 bytes
Looking for similar problems in bugzilla
abrt-action-find-bodhi-update [WARNING] Duplicate Bugzilla bug '#2262196' was found
abrt-action-find-bodhi-update [ERROR] abrt-bodhi does not support product version 'Rawhide'
The report has been updated
Checking for duplicates
Bug is already reported: 2262196
Adding new comment to bug 2262196
Status: NEW https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2262196
This problem does not have an uReport assigned.
Lock file '.lock' was locked by process 24846, but it crashed?