Yeah, that’s really annoying. You have to make sure you have an active bugzilla API key before ABRT can create a bug. Login to, choose the drop-down menu on your name in the upper right-hand corner, and choose Preferences. You should see a horizontal list of categories. The fifth from the left is API Keys; choose that. From here you can manage your API keys, or create a new one if you don’t have any.
Once you have an API key, in ABRT, choose the hamburger menu in the upper right, and select Preferences. In the popup box, choose the Configure button in the lower right. That will pop up another box, with “uReport” and “Bugzilla” on the left. Choose Bugzilla. There is a box there where you can paste your bugzilla API key.
There you go. How to make ABRT work in only 42 easy steps!
I got a 400 error yesterday when trying to log in to
I closed the tab and then went back to in a new tab and it logged me straight in.
You should also get emails warning you before the keys expire, but unless the key name included ABRT or similar it may not have been obvious what the emails were for.
Interesting. Although I don’t recall receiving any such emails, you’re right that I would have likely just dismissed them if they weren’t very informative or if I didn’t realize what they were telling me. Thanks for those insights, Thomas…
And now I can’t seem to report any bugs because it dies with this, regardless of if I check or don’t check “Restrict access to report:”
Creating a new bug...
Failed to create bug.
Server says: 401 Unauthorized
{"documentation":"","error":true,"message":"Sorry, but you are not allowed to (un)mark comments or attachments as private.","code":113}
('report_Bugzilla' exited with 1)
It’s almost like they don’t want me to report issues… Ugh.
Okay. Because I attempted to enter my API Key ID number and I still kept getting the 400 error when trying to report a bug, that the key was banned, even though it is a brand new key and is not banned.
Reporting a bug should not be this difficult.