See the official launch checklist. I am the blocker for some of these, particularly the legal check. But it’d be really helpful if other people could start writing some of the other things we need. I think particularly:
For the wiki, we have a template (fpchat) for linking to IRC. It would be good to have one for the matrix server, too. I can create it and document how to use it, but, uh - what should we call it, since the existing template rather unfortunately stole the ‘chat’ name? We could just drop the fp and call it ‘chat’ but that might be a bit confusing, or we could call it ‘matrix’ or ‘fpmatrix’, or something like ‘fpchat-new’. Anyone have a preference or should I just pick a choice?
I have no strong opinions here, and at the same time a lot of confidence in your ability to select something good.
I definitely think we need to be using more macros in our new docs… That was one of the reasons to prefer Angora over several other ideas, but we’re not really making use of it.
that’s sort of technically awkward for the wiki, as it’d require doing a search and replace on the entire thing to replace every use of it. you could do that, but it seems a bit unnecessary I’ll just go with picking another name, I think, when I finish panicking about the f35 release…
As the person who named this site “discussion” and the matrix chat service “chat”, I am highly aware of the irony of having fpchat be too generic for a macro in retrospect.
What if we make the new macro chat and make a new one for irc called irc and document that that’s the one to use wherever it is that macros are documented?