[Article Proposal] Setting Up Developmen environment with Neovim and CoC plugin

Summary: Show neovim setup and CoC plugin to do software development in C++, Go, Rust, Python and Java.

Description: The purpose of this article would be to show how Neovim with CoC plugin is used to have a decent development environment in Fedora. I like it because is fast and efficient specially with code snippets. I setup my workstation to do quick development in C++, Java, Python, Go and Rust.

For specific serious development I think there are very specialized IDEs such as Eclipse, VS Code or those from JetBrains which are really good, but if you want to have a fast alternative then the setup showed here is interesting.

Image attached with Rust editing and debug session

Sounds good to me. +1 :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for contributing!

@alberto.patino +1 from me. I’ve created Taiga card #344 for you. We use these cards to track the progress of articles.

We use the Taiga cards to comment on the article as it progresses and to answer questions from the authors, from time to time. It is a handy way of keeping track of the article progress for both the authors and the editors. Also a good place to ask for help about specifics of what you are writing if needed.

When you have your article ready for review, please move it to “Review” and one of the editors will start taking a look at it.
