I Found my NEW code editor/IDE

im in love this IDE it is not free and not open source, but im in love so much that i even uninstalled VScode today after 1 day working on Jet Brains Fleet it has 90% already what i need if it gets react on it then it has 100% of everyhting i need on my workflow and daily use


I’m still using vim, it’s faster and better than any GUI IDE.


Tbh I don’t see any difference on faster or slower compared to sublime or VsCode it is as fast even faster maybe and I just like it no extensions and stuff just install and use been looking so long good IDE

Which one is it?

Jet brains fleet

Interesting - so (in your opinion) what makes it better than the VSCode?
I have CLion for Rust and IntelliJ for all else and I still use VSC all the time for small tasks.

Everything build in, no third-party extensions all languages I use build in really good intellij jet brains AI better than GitHub copilot, smooth, visually stunning, pretty easy to start using and setup large market place if need purchase addons


went all in for JetBrains with all pack subscription with jetbrains AI and it is actually worth it mostly for now using WebStorm, CLion, PyCharm Professional, RustRover and Space Desktop for daily/weekly workflow

I actually use IDEA and PyCharm (I have the Student license but I prefer the open-source Community edition) for my university homework. For others like JavaScript, I use VSCodium instead.

I haven’t given Fleet a try though, probably because I use lightweight editors like Sublime Text or VSCode for general code editing.

I think fleet will be really nice after it is done and comes out of public test/preview it will give options for vscode and seems like jetbrains also started to focus community editions and pricing is not bad if we compare example single IDE price from many options and even Microsoft visual studio Pro costs more than jetbrains all packs with AI and Visual studio don’t include AI so that needs to be bought too easy 60$/month on there already

I gave up on Sublime Text :frowning: Not because anything it did but more so the drama surorund the Sublime Text 3/4 Flatpak way back when.

I moved to using vim more, then Bramm passed away so I added NeoVim to the mix.

Vim/NeoVim is great.

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Agreed, and I find if I feel the need to have an IDE’ish feel, I have been using Pulsar as a flatpak, there are an incredible amount of plugin’s for it. But Vim has a copious quantity of useful plugins too, so Pulsar could fall to the wayside for me. When I am Java programming it is Netbeans all the way if I feel I need for an IDE, but even there I am using Vim to edit files more often and since I use the Quarkus framework and it’s live dev tools, so I end up using the actual IDE less and less.

I find that sometimes being overwhelmed with choice is a block for me. I have always been fairly minimalistic, and because of work was forced to use tools I did not want. Vim/vi was always just a “open it, make the changes, :wq” So I never learned to use it for myself. We needed to use what the Dev’s used for QA/QC, If I did admin stuff I was too busy doing other things to get comfy in Vim. I almost think I wasted years by not learning Vim.

Then when I decided I needed to, I realized it was perfect for me in so many ways. I also have more control over it than most Code Editor applications.

I recetnly met Writers who use it for their world building and how git and vimwiki help them with that. It’s amazing IMO.

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I’m so in love for jetbrains products I just pick specific IDE for what I am working and done no need to run extensions and search stuff makes live so much easier and I even had jetbrains space that actually ending now and comes git repo code space hosting platform and seems nice change and good addition for teams…

I was VSC user years, tried vim, neovim, atom, sublime and many others and after I found jetbrains fleet by accidentally I was sold and then using so many there products now days

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I am glad that you found Fleet useful! I might give it a try when I have time :P.

I am practising using Vim and so far, I am able to use it but not efficently utilise everything yet. I often install Vim extension for VSCode and IDEAVim for JetBrains’ IDEs.

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vi-vi-vi is the editor of the beast. :stuck_out_tongue:

(love, a VSCodium user)