Hi there!
Just realised I’ve been lurking for quite enough time and never actually said hi
I’m Fran. I’ve been a linux user for some time, I think the first time I tried it was with Suse 9.3, but only used it seriously when I started college. In my beginnings I mainly used Debian and Ubuntu but since a couple of years I found a sweet spot with Fedora and the balance between up-to-date software and stability.
Other than that I’m a software developer and a father of 2 kids struggling to find time for personal projects I like music, videogames and team sports (more a player than a watcher).
So here I am, just wanted to say hi and try to be more active community-wise
@Franciso I am also evaluating Silverblue for family use and IoT for Raspberry Pi appliances. I have been learning how to use Ansible and git to create standard and individual images using infrastructure-as-code techniques.
Well We’ve got some things in common ! While I do use NeoVim Daily, I’m terrible at it functionally.
As for Rust & Go, since I’m not doing too much professionally atm, I slowed down on this since last summer. Rust, very explicit. Go easier IMO.
Learning to package things for Fedora has been on my list for a while, but I learned to containerize thngs a long time ago so this has kind of been a block for me. Why package it when I can just make a podman compose / Dockerfile and be done?!
On other thing on my list is to beef up the Fedora Documentation Translations, it needs some help.
Definitely! I had all my workstation configuration in Ansible already and lately I’ve been playing with blue-build (repo).
Thanks @hamrheadcorvette that was my impression as well. With little time, Go seems like a more rewarding option right now.
So, that utility is meant to run as a daemon to control the fans of this RPi case, that’s why I thought it made more sense to have it installed this way. Also, the recent Fedora Magazine article about bootable containers made me think that if I package it, I could be able to create my custom RPi-ArgonOneCase-IOT image. But, that’s probably me overreaching when I haven’t even tried to run the thing in the Pi
Do you have a link or something with what’s needed? I can only help with Spanish, but I’d be glad to contribute with whatever I can.
FWIW, my family is using Fedora (Workstation and MATE) at the moment and we can’t imagine switching to Windows. In fact, my wife often complains how difficult and unintuitive it is to do stuff on Windows.
Go ahead and try! Maybe start with something less complex first.