Team Workflows

Council Workspace This category is an workspace for the Fedora Council acting as a team. It may contain draft ideas, work in progress, checklists, wiki-like collaborative posts, etc. None of these should be considered Official in any way. Fedora Magazine This is one of the official communication channels for members of the Fedora Magazine community. This channel should be used for submitting new article ideas (proposals). If you want to start a conversation about something else (but still having to do with Fedora Magazine), click here to start a new thread under the general project discussion area of this forum (the provided link will take care of tagging the new thread with the #magazine-team hashtag to get the attention of the right people). Community Blog Review Submit your Community Blog articles for editorial review and scheduling here! If you have a particular deadline/preference for publication, please let us know. Community Blog posts typically publish on Tuesdays and Thursdays (with some routine weekly updates on Fridays). See the schedule topic for the publication schedule. New Topics by Email — Discourse’s normal reply-by-email feature makes it relatively easy to participate in discussion without leaving the comfort of your email client. Package Review Swaps A place to post your package reviews together with an offer to review another community member’s package, this section is available to existing Fedora contributors and packagers. Projects in Copr This category contains topics named to match the names of projects in Copr. Those topics are automatically created once you comment on These comments are automatically embedded on that site. You can either discuss here or over there — the data are shared.
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