Why Idid I chose Fedora Server?

Article Summary:
I’m sharing my experience of how I found Fedora Server to be the right fit for my self-hosting needs.

Article Description:
The article runs through the history of my decisions and the reasons why I chose different tools and Operating Systems providing a context for the final outcome.

Link to draft

Featured image or inspiration for one?
It would be great if you help me with the image, maybe using Fedora Server’s logo.


Hi @sigulete, great article and I think you did a great job of breaking down the different contexts that influenced your decisions. Your impressions are insightful!

However, the Fedora Community Blog is focused on contributor-centered news, updates, and announcements. What you have written seems to focus more on end-users and practical use of Fedora Linux out in the world. For this reason, what you have written seems to be a better fit for the Fedora Magazine instead.

@glb, @rlengland, could you take a look at this article draft and see if it would be a good fit for the Magazine? The public preview link is here.

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@sigulete +1 This looks like a great article for Fedora Magazine.

I’ve created card #271 to track this article’s status. Let us know with a comment on that card when you have the content transferred from the Community Blog WP instance to our Fedora Magazine WP instance.


BTW, I also use Fedora Server (I have about 30 containers running across 4 hypervisors :slightly_smiling_face:).

Thanks for the feedbak.
I will move the article to Fedora Magazine and comment on the card.

Yes Gregory, Fedora is something else mate :+1:

I was glad to see this article land on the Fedora Magazine, thanks all for helping get this out! :muscle:

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