Hi Fedora Folks!
The monthly Fedora Badges Roundtable for March was attended by the following people:
- Akashdeep Dhar (t0xic0der)
- Justin W. Flory (J.W.F)
- Sandro (Penguinpee) (gui1ty)
- Marie Nordin (riecat)
- Emma Kidney (ekidney)
- Shaun Mccance
- Sayan Chowdhury
- Paul Power
And chaired by yours truly, amoloney
The March roundtable had both Engineering and Design groups unveil their respective team Charters [1][2], which are available for review and feedback is welcome. These charters will be finalised at the April Roundtable discussion so if you have anything to add, you have roughly four weeks to engage!
Each charter will then be published & committed to the Badges documentation repo in GitLab once the review period has closed.
While mentioning GitLab, we also discussed this as a home to track the work that will be needed to deliver Fedora Badges 2.0, and Justin presented the initial outline of the epics, and spoke about what labels we could/should/would use to make it easier for folks to get involved. There’s a discussion thread open where we are looking for feedback on this choice of tracker [3], so please do take a look and share your thoughts !
If you want to get involved, but dont have a GitLab account (yet), you can sign up using your FAS ID or directly through GitLab using this handy link [4]
There is also a discussion open on Picking a place to Organize and Implement Fedora Badges [5], where Akash walks through the structure Badges would follow. And can you guess what we are going to ask for…? If you said winning lottery tickets, close, but we are of course looking for feedback!
Between March & Aprils Fedora Badges Roundtable discussion, Penguinpee and Sayan will sync to work through how to push new badges, set rules and automate badge awarding . They have requested anyone who has a better understanding on how this should be done to reach out to them as they would like to gather more information on this workflow in general
The foundations have been laid for the project work to be assigned and tracked, so please do check out the discussion links and provide your feedback before our April roundtable session as our next goal or target is to get a real timeline in place with formal start and end dates.
This has been the Fedora Badges Roundtable discussion summary. We hope you have enjoyed the read and if you feel like stoppin’ by, we meet again this month on Wednesday April 19th @ 1300 UTC so we might see you there!
[1] 2023 Revamp: Fedora Badges Design charter feedback & discussion
[2] 2023 Revamp: Fedora Badges Development/Engineering charter feedback & discussion
[3] Early look: Using GitLab epics for tracking Fedora Badges development work
[4] SAML single sign-on for fedora · GitLab
[5] Picking a place to organize and implement Fedora Badges