Summary of January 2024 Badges Round Table

Symbol Meaning
:warning: Important
:question: Question
:exclamation: Answer
:white_check_mark: Action Item
:chair: meeting chair
:spiral_notepad: meeting notes


The first round table of 2024 happened on 17 January

Announcements & News

Creative Freedom Summit will take place next week!


:warning: Note: Follow-up items are linked to clarify where they are coming from.

Update on Badges development participation (Justin)

Can be discussed further outside meetings. It needs some urgent attention, though, due to RHEL7 going EOL by end of June 2024 (see main topic). Akash provided an update meanwhile.

:question: I suppose this topic can be removed from the agenda, seeing that we have an update and also due to the news regarding possible consequences of RHEL7 EOL.

Identify event Badges for reframing (Marie)

Still on the to-do list. Item can be taken off follow-ups :white_check_mark:.

Good First Issues (GFIs) (Justin)

Moved to next meeting since Justin is not in the meeting.

:question: @jflory7, please leave a comment as to what to do regarding this item and its current status. You were a bit surprised in chat to see this on the agenda.

Hackfest (June 13-15, 2024 in Brno, Czech Republic) is the most likely option. Sandro to follow up with Justin :white_check_mark:. Marie to pitch in with helping organizing, but will most likely not attend in person, but virtually.

Main Topics

RHEL goes EOL on 30 June 2024

How does this affect Badges:

  • Current Badges is still running on RHEL7 servers due to its dependency on fedmsg, which is written in Python 2.x (now EOL) and no longer maintained.
  • Infra team needs to upgrade those machine or turn them off.
  • We need to come up with a plan on how to move badges off these old servers and port it to fedora-messaging, the service that has replaced fedmsg.

We discussed the situation:

  • Any upgrade of the machines will entail a move to Python 3.x. Akash is talking with CPE folks regarding resources for porting Badges to the new system.
  • Sandro wonders how much work it will be to port from Python 2.x to 3.x.
  • Akash clarifies that it is fedmsg holding us back[1]. The badges components (tahrir, etc.) have already been ported to Python 3.x. Help in porting to fedora-messaging might be available from Aurélien (@abompard), the author of fedora-messaging.
  • How much work that entails and if it can be done before end of June, needs to be investigated.
  • Marie asks if this could be part of the Hackfest.
    • Akash: That would be too late.
    • Sandro: Hackfest should focus on Badges 2.0. However, we could look at some bugs arising from the port to fedora-messaging.
  • Marie offers to help out with project management. We should have a plan by next meeting.
  • Akash will be contacting folks to come up with a plan and a to-do list. :white_check_mark:
  • Sandro, Akash and Emma will all be at FOSDEM (February 3-4, 2024 in Brussels, Belgium) and could further discuss there in the fringes.
  • Marie has an idea of running a campaign: Badges will DIE! We need your help. Images of of a dying Badger on life support where floated around.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 1:00 PMWednesday, February 14, 2024 2:00 PM (Valentine’s Day :blue_heart:)

Open Floor

We reflected on the health of the revamp, the participation and the proposed split into sub-groups, that never happened.
While we certainly have hit a low, we are still in good spirits hoping to turn things around. Nobody wants to see :badger: somewhere near a :coffin: or a :headstone:.

  1. That clarification is already reflected in the meeting minutes. It was less clear in the meeting’s agenda. ↩︎


I did conversions of a few different projects to python3, also including some code used by infra. It’s surprisingly easy if you approach it the right way.

If somebody
a) points out which repos need to be converted
b) will be able to actually test if things still work after the conversion
I would be happy to open some pull requests.

Thank you for offering to help out. If my understanding is correct, it’s only fedmsg[1], which is still on Python 2.x. We’d rather not keep depending on it, since it has been replaced by fedora-messaging.

On the other hand, if it’s as easy as you suggest, it might still be worth it for buying us time.

Dependencies for fedmsg

I linked the dependencies for which no Python 3 version is available yet.


Testing could take place in staging, I suppose. I’ve actually never done any testing in staging. But it’s there for that purpose, I’m told. We would just need to generate some activity in staging that emits messages, which Badges should act on.

  1. fedmsg itself depends on some old Python modules, which are no longer maintained and still on Python 2.x. ↩︎

That’s a swig wrapper for openssl crypto functions, with the one and only release in 2012. So the openssl version and related libraries changed quite a bit in the meantime. I don’t think it make any sense to spend any time on it.

This one also seems quite dead…

OK, sorry, I don’t think it makes sense to try to port those to python3. It’d be entirely a waste of time and most likely there’d be nobody to review the patches. And then we’d need to tackle fedmsg itself too.

Porting badges to fedora-messaging seems a better way.