Is there a way to start Steam remotely once connected via ssh?
I’ve Fedora KDE edition installed on a desktop at home, and I’d like to use it with Steam Remote Play Anywhere, but I turn on the desktop with WOL via another pc always on, so it’s not logged in and steam is not started yet!
If you’re running Xorg, the Gnome equivalent (which might work on KDE) would be DISPLAY=:0 gtk-launch /path/to/steam-application.desktop (replacing the last part with the actual location of the desktop file for the GUI entry). You can also try xdg-open if you don’t have gtk-open but that may or may not end up launching a text editor to edit the desktop file instead. If you haven’t logged in yet at this point, then X likely won’t be running but I think you can set auto-login in the KDE Settings menu.
The desktop file will likely either be in /usr/share/applications or ~/.local/share/applications.
Why not leave it logged in with a locked screen and try that way.
It will probably works but I don’t want to waste electric power
If you’re running Xorg, the Gnome equivalent (which might work on KDE) would be DISPLAY=:0 gtk-launch /path/to/steam-application.desktop (replacing the last part with the actual location of the desktop file for the GUI entry). You can also try xdg-open if you don’t have gtk-open but that may or may not end up launching a text editor to edit the desktop file instead. If you haven’t logged in yet at this point, then X likely won’t be running but I think you can set auto-login in the KDE Settings menu.
I wouldn’t like to have autologin for security and because I’m not the only user on the PC.
Are you saying you want to Play Anywhere to a Desktop running Steam that has ‘other’ users on it?
At the same time?
That doesn’t sound like a good idea.
If you do in-fact have exclusive use, then setup the desktop:
WOL (Wake on LAN)
Auto Login
Instant Screen saver with password (I think 1 min might be the lowest you can set, so the machine might be vulnerable for 1 min upon wake)
Auto run Steam and load your desired game in the launch command
WOL then Remote desktop from the remote device. I know Android can do this, not sure about that other phone make, I forget what they are called, no, not Nokia
Start Steam, Launch game, disconnect from Remote Desktop, play all day.
With either scenario, you need a method of putting the machine back to sleep (off) to save precious expensive power. So maybe remote desktop is the only answer.
Food for thought I hope.
p.s. I use a Raspberry Pi as my WOL device to my servers and desktop. Super low power option.