Hi again,
I was wondering how can I rollback permanently to a stable pinned deployment. I’ve read the documentation and seems to me that I can only rollback permanently to the previous deployment from the latest but not, for example, to the first pinned and created after install.
Hello @paranoidnemo ,
Can you elaborate a bit? Did you actually pin a deployment already? Also if you run rpm-ostree deploy <commit> it should deploy the specific commit. rpm-ostree rollback will only deploy the previous commit, so not a specific pinned commit. Also pinning a commit is done with *sudo* ostree admin pin <commit> which you would determine the commit you want with sudo ostree admin status. Ostree uses the commit number starting with 0 (which is the default booted one) and up. You would pin the number of the commit you want to use. You also can use the rpm-ostree deploy <specific commit> to get you back to the commit you want to use/upgrade from.
ok, so basically I’ve first started the system and pinned the 0 commit (with the command you have specified), now I’ve made more than one modification but the actual commit I’m in is also indicated with 0 (the pinned one is still there in grub boot menu). How Fedora knows to deploy the old 0 commit if i run rpm-ostree deploy 0?
So first you have to find the commit you want, which if it is the current commit (number 0 to Ostree) and you do an update and it doesn’t do anything (ie you are still using the same image) it won’t change anything for you. Like @guiltydoggy is asking, a listing of all of our commits to begin with is the best place to start. From there you can then deploy one of your commits (to see if that is the one you want to pin, if not deploy next, etc) then pin it when you find it.
I find a relatively easy way to go about this if you do not care about your more recent deployments.
My pinned deployment I wanted to go back to was third in my rpm-ostree status, or index 2. I used sudo ostree admin undeploy 1 followed by sudo ostree admin undeploy 0 to remove my two more recent deployments. Then rpm-ostree made my pinned deployment the current deployment. (Side note: it may also be possible to run sudo ostree admin undeploy 0 twice in a row to remove the two most recent deployments, but I didn’t test it).
The reason I had to go this route is because I testing some NVIDIA drivers in those two more recent deployments and didn’t want them around. But even after using GRUB to go back to my pinned deployment, rpm-ostree seemingly was trying to base its updates off the newest commit, which had the packages I didn’t care for.