Redesign Docs front page layout- Outreachy Project 2022 (Help required)

Hi! I think this is generally quite good! I just have a few small comments…

  • How do people feel about “contribute”? To me, it seems too one-sided. My first response is something like “Join Fedora!” or “Get Involved!”… but maybe those sound like they’re too big, too much of a commitment? Any ideas for something in between (or a way to provide two paths — one the big “Fedora is awesome come be our friend!!!” message [1] message, and another “hey, you just wanna make a little improvement without a fuss? no problem!” [2]

  • There will be a again with the new website design, which is in progress.

  • The Solutions → spins| labs bit could become just “Other Fedora Solutions”. And although I don’t think we want a high-level split, it is useful to call out the popular desktop-environment spins.

  1. imagine this one with, like, a big Labrador retriever :dog2: ↩︎

  2. Like a cat. Come and go mysteriously, and only make attachments if you are feeling in that particular mood at the moment. ↩︎