Nvidia driver not building on kernel 6.13.4

with the new 6.13.4 kernek, nvidia wont build.
i am back to 6.12.15-200.fc41.x86_64

you posted a different issue on a topic that already had a solution marked.
I moved the post here so your topic will be addressed properly

I also just updated to the 6.13.4 kernel with nvidia drivers 570.86.16.
The nvidia drivers did properly build and load for me.

Try running sudo akmods --rebuild --force and see if that may fix the issue for you. If it fails the message given should lead you to a log that usually indicates the reason for the failure.

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ok, now I did update and I see the new versions.


How did you get the 570 nvidia driver? I have the problem also after Fedora 41 updated to the 6.13.4 kernel, but I still have the 565 nvidia driver, and dnfdragora says that everything is up to date. Could some other package be blocking the update to the 570 nvidia driver?

i’m not finding the 6.13.4 kernel headers package. Please see my post in the previous thread

I’m not an expert, but i sense there’s a bigger problem here than just nvidia drivers, any help appreciated

Unsure if there is a better way, but this is what I did:

(Remove rpm-ostree if you’re not using Kinoite or Silverblue or another Atomic desktop, and replace with dnf - refer to this guide)

sudo rpm-ostree remove akmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-cuda
systemctl reboot
sudo rpm-ostree install akmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-cuda
systemctl reboot

If you’ve blaclisted nouveau in this guide, you might only have one monitor working and a low resolution making everything look big. Ignore this, it will fix after you’ve got your drivers installed again.

If there is a better way to update the drivers by themselves, I’d love to know. My problem with doing that is listed here.

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Use dnf and not dnfdragora.
The 570 drivers are available in both rpmfusion-nonfree-updates and rpmfusion-nonfree-nvidia-drivers.

Kernel 6.13.4 uses the 6.13.3 kernel headers. dnf list --installed kernel* should show that.


On rpm based systems (non-atomic) it is done using dnf upgrade <package name>
Removing then installing is not required.

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sudo dnf upgrade --refresh in terminal


Thanks! dnf list --updates is showing the nvidia updates now. I had run dnf clean all and dnf makecache --refresh yesterday, but neither dnf or dnfdragora was showing the nvidia updates then. dnfdragora still wasn’t showing the updates today, but I noticed that Options → User Preferences → System → Metadata expire time (hours) was 48. I reduced it to 12 hours, and then it refreshed and showed the nvidia updates also. I had thought that dnfdragora used the same caches as dnf, but apparently it has its own. So probably either the nvidia update was a bit delayed after the kernel update or if Fedora has mirrors, maybe something happened that one of the mirrors didn’t pick up the rpmfusion-nonfree repo. Someone had posted somewhere else that the problem was that after the 6.13.4 kernel update, the kernel headers remained at 6.13.3, but it is normal for minor kernel updates not to change the headers, and the problem with akmods --rebuild seemed to be a link error.

akmods rebuild with the 6.13.4 kernel and the 565 driver seems to always fail and not really identify the cause. The actual cause is the driver version cannot be built on that kernel, whether it is the kernel header or the driver source I do not know but I have determined that the two cannot be used together.

I recently upgraded to 6.13.4. I recommend using https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/ to install the latest driver. Mine is running fine with NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-550.142. Although, it requires manual installation and other configurations.

Nvidia driver 570.124.04 was just released with a lot of fixes. Hopefully it’ll work with this kernel.

rpmfusion has the 570 driver in rpm format for the 6.13 kernels.
Simpler and safer than installing directly from nvidia.com