Help me ffs it's been a month and i can't install a damn driver

Hey I just installed Fedora 41.
I installed drivers from software store I did dnf update & upgrade.
But for some reason fedora isn’t convinced that everything should be working.
When I start my laptop I get this : Nvidia kernel module missing, falling back to nouveau
And when I write nvidia-smi this comes out: NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn’t communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.
I disabled secureboot.
Note I am total newbie and this problem has persisted for over a month me copying and pasting things in terminal but nothing seems to work it would be easier for me to build a new operating system than installing driver in linux.
when I try to fix it I get errors and when I try to fix errors I get more errors for errors fixing errors.
Help please :cry:

Hi @linuxhasruinedmylife (sigh! :wink:)

Welcome to Fedora :fedora:

Have you followed the RPM Fusion guide to the letter?

Take especially care about the note to allow nvidia modules to be built in the background. You need to be aware of this every time there is a kernel update.

If you want to make certain you can run this command:

systemctl list-jobs

When the modules are built, it should return No jobs running.



Apparently you have an nvidia GPU and the drivers may not have been properly built.

If you installed the nvidia drivers from rpmfusion then you should be able to rebuild those drivers with the cli command
sudo akmods --force --rebuild
Once that completes then reboot and the drivers should properly load.

Note that this assumes you have a fairly recent GPU and that the current drivers are suitable for that gpu.

I also strongly recommend that you perform a full update of the system using sudo dnf upgrade --refresh and wait at least 5 minutes after that completes before you reboot. There was a new kernel release (6.11.11) in the last week so everything should be updated to be current.

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bro it seems like linux hates me as a person.
when I follow that guide this comes.
$ sudo dnf install xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-390xx akmod-nvidia-390xx
Updating and loading repositories:
Repositories loaded.
Failed to resolve the transaction:
No match for argument: xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-390xx
No match for argument: akmod-nvidia-390xx
You can try to add to command line:
–skip-unavailable to skip unavailable packages

I tried to install the driver most compatiable with my gpu as they said but it simply refuses to work, I followed it before and same problem stands.
also please note I am complete noob so use simple words like wtf is even a kernel?

I installed it from that software store as rpmfusion gets so many errors in each command it wants me to download things that simply don’t exist or my fedora system can’t find them for some reason.

This makes no sense. The store is just a graphical app that does the same.

You need to remove nouveau and install the driver from rpmfusion. Just not install the packages that are not installable, maybe the docs are outdated.

That error message indicates you need to enable the RPM Fusion repos:
Enabling the RPM Fusion repositories :: Fedora Docs