No sound after rebasing to Fedora 35

Today I rebased to F35 and suddenly my apps stopped playing sound.

I rolled back.

I have some overrides for using pulseaudio instead of pipewire on F34, because of Sound routing problems on zoom meeting audio sharing (#1121) · Issues · PipeWire / pipewire · GitLab. I guess that might be the problem. However I really need Zoom, so I really need that override.

Any clues on how to get back to sound? :sob:

❯ rpm-ostree status
State: idle
● fedora:fedora/34/x86_64/silverblue
                   Version: 34.20211103.0 (2021-11-03T00:50:03Z)
                BaseCommit: ba735ce63d2e7f08537f73cb65f758c3135484dec402fa907218bf2f17fdab19
              GPGSignature: Valid signature by 8C5BA6990BDB26E19F2A1A801161AE6945719A39
       RemovedBasePackages: pipewire-pulseaudio 0.3.39-1.fc34
           LayeredPackages: libvirt-client xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-cuda vagrant-libvirt sushi
                            pipx droidcam fish xorg-x11-drv-nvidia pulseaudio
                            firewall-config fedora-workstation-repositories v4l2loopback
                            totem code qjackctl gnome-boxes gparted python3-invoke xclip
                            openssh-askpass pulseaudio-utils kmod-nvidia moby-engine
                            gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 ffmpeg langpacks-es hunspell-es steam
             LocalPackages: rpmfusion-free-release-34-1.noarch xow-0.4-1.fc32.x86_64

                   Version: 35.20211103.0 (2021-11-03T00:48:08Z)
                BaseCommit: 93b4e79e9d26d5d5e1887692e42c573b9f2c19b625599b35fc319271958f1179
              GPGSignature: Valid signature by 787EA6AE1147EEE56C40B30CDB4639719867C58F
       RemovedBasePackages: pipewire-pulseaudio 0.3.39-1.fc35
           LayeredPackages: libvirt-client xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-cuda vagrant-libvirt sushi
                            pipx droidcam fish xorg-x11-drv-nvidia pulseaudio
                            firewall-config v4l2loopback qjackctl totem python3-invoke
                            gnome-boxes gparted kmod-nvidia code xclip pulseaudio-utils
                            openssh-askpass moby-engine gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 ffmpeg
                            langpacks-es hunspell-es
             LocalPackages: xow-0.4-1.fc32.x86_64

Does Common bugs: no sound after upgrade apply here?

systemctl --user enable --now wireplumber              

(from your user session, not as root or with sudo.)

1 Like

Thanks, after doing that I can see that the playback indicator goes forward now. I also see signals like that sound is happening:

That bar moves.

However I still hear no sound, and output device says “Salida Ficticia” (Fake Output).

I guess that must have some more relation with having to enable pulseaudio. Any clues?

I get these logs:

❯ journalctl -u pulseaudio -b0 --user
-- Journal begins at Sat 2021-07-31 14:49:41 WEST, ends at Sun 2021-11-07 09:01:02 WET. --
nov 07 08:50:50 yajolap-tecnativa-com systemd[1936]: Starting Sound Service...
nov 07 08:50:50 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: stat('/etc/pulse/'): No existe el fichero o el directorio
nov 07 08:50:50 yajolap-tecnativa-com systemd[1936]: Started Sound Service.
nov 07 08:50:50 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: Failed to register as a handsfree audio agent with ofono: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name is not activatable
nov 07 08:50:50 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: org.bluez.ProfileManager1.RegisterProfile() failed: org.bluez.Error.NotPermitted: UUID already registered
nov 07 08:50:50 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: org.bluez.ProfileManager1.RegisterProfile() failed: org.bluez.Error.NotPermitted: UUID already registered
nov 07 08:51:32 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: Failed to create sink input: sink is suspended.
nov 07 08:51:32 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: Failed to create sink input: sink is suspended.
nov 07 08:51:32 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: Failed to create sink input: sink is suspended.
nov 07 08:51:32 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: Failed to create sink input: sink is suspended.
nov 07 08:51:32 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: Failed to create sink input: sink is suspended.
nov 07 08:51:34 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: Failed to create sink input: sink is suspended.
nov 07 08:51:34 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: Failed to create sink input: sink is suspended.
nov 07 08:52:03 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: Failed to create sink input: sink is suspended.
nov 07 08:52:03 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: Failed to create sink input: sink is suspended.
nov 07 08:52:03 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: Failed to create sink input: sink is suspended.
nov 07 08:52:03 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: Failed to create sink input: sink is suspended.
nov 07 08:52:03 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: Failed to create sink input: sink is suspended.
nov 07 08:52:03 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[2141]: Failed to create sink input: sink is suspended.
nov 07 08:52:53 yajolap-tecnativa-com systemd[1936]: Starting Sound Service...
nov 07 08:52:53 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[6698]: Failed to load module "module-alsa-card" (argument: "device_id="0" name="pci-0000_00_1f.3" card_name="alsa_card.pci-0000_00_1f.3" namereg_fail=false tsched=yes fixed_latency_range=no ignore_dB=no deferred_volume=yes use_ucm=yes avoid_resampling=no card_properti>
nov 07 08:52:53 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[6698]: stat('/etc/pulse/'): No existe el fichero o el directorio
nov 07 08:52:53 yajolap-tecnativa-com systemd[1936]: Started Sound Service.
nov 07 08:52:53 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[6698]: Failed to register as a handsfree audio agent with ofono: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name is not activatable
nov 07 08:52:53 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[6698]: org.bluez.ProfileManager1.RegisterProfile() failed: org.bluez.Error.NotPermitted: UUID already registered
nov 07 08:52:53 yajolap-tecnativa-com pulseaudio[6698]: org.bluez.ProfileManager1.RegisterProfile() failed: org.bluez.Error.NotPermitted: UUID already registered

Thank you very much @mattdm !
This fixed audio issue in my F35 Workstation as well!
BTW… should that not be included in system upgrade script?

Maybe this was premature… this workaround does not seem to be persistent :frowning:
Sometimes it allows for sound in 1st yt video, while breaking on 2nd, sometimes it does not allow to play yt videos at all…
This sucks big time as this release seems to be milestonely otherwise :frowning:

Here also with sound problems after the update. I am using classic fedora installation and updated using offline method.

In principle everything works fine, however, if I am watching a video on YouTube and I open a music application such as Tauon (flatpak) or Rhytmbox the sound disappears. The same if I open a video file with Celulloid or even if I deactivate the microphone from gnome-settings (also rarely when connecting and disconnecting a headphone with a jack or usb-c connection). As I was unaware of the issue, I just logged out and logged in again, which fixed the problem temporarily, until I read the article about wireplumber in fedora magazine and tried restarting the process, which solved the issue without having to logged out the session, but it is still very annoying.

Something curious is that when it happened that the sound disappeared (from gnome-settings no audio input or output appeared), in Tauon Music Box when changing the audio output from PulseAudio to ALSA, music could be played perfectly.

If anyone has a similar issue and a solution I will be very grateful.

I think this messed up my audio/video. Playing videos / audio in firefox doesn’t load unless I run systemctl --user disable --now wireplumber (and I have to run it again next session/boot).


Hmmm. That’s clearly a not how it’s supposed to be. :classic_smiley:

Is this on Silverblue?

Yes indeed, latest Silverblue (35)

The old way of serving audio works very well for me. I have removed the new way and don’t expect to revert to it until alsa pulse gets broken…
I think it was a premature rollout…

Firefox flatpak or rpm? Do you have any overlay packages installed?

All applications. Firefox flatpak and rpm, VLC, Gnome Music/Videos, everything. Video/audio doesn’t play. In VLC, it looks like it is playing but there’s no sound. In youtube and other apps it does not even appear to play (the time marker doesn’t move).

Here’s my deployment:

 ~> rpm-ostree status
State: idle
● fedora:fedora/35/x86_64/silverblue
                   Version: 35.20220218.0 (2022-02-18T00:48:10Z)
                BaseCommit: 3bd31c5f5bce32a334cd30f962d34182a8f23cbc087df2a5aebe3ed4a7835919
              GPGSignature: Valid signature by 787EA6AE1147EEE56C40B30CDB4639719867C58F
       RemovedBasePackages: pipewire-pulseaudio 0.3.45-2.fc35
           LayeredPackages: 'gcc-c++' abrt-desktop adb alsa-firmware alsa-plugins-freeworld-a52 alsa-plugins-freeworld-lavrate alsa-tools android-tools autojump automake autossh axel baobab cabal-install cargo dnf emacs emoji-picker encfs
                            et exa exercism f2fs-tools fd-find fedora-packager fedora-review ffmpeg firewall-config fish ghc git git-annex git-cola gitg gitk gmp-devel gnome-tweak-tool google-chrome-unstable gphoto2 gstreamer-ffmpeg
                            gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-bad-nonfree gstreamer-plugins-espeak gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer1-libav gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-extras
                            gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld gstreamer1-plugins-base-tools gstreamer1-plugins-entrans gstreamer1-plugins-fc gstreamer1-plugins-good-extras gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer1-vaapi haskell-platform htop
                            idris iotop kakoune libde265 magic-wormhole mosh ncurses-compat-libs nethogs PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin pavucontrol pipewire-codec-aptx pitivi pulseaudio-module-bluetooth-freeworld python3-rust2rpm reptyr
                            ripgrep rpmfusion-free-release rpmfusion-nonfree-release rust screen setroubleshoot ShellCheck sushi ternimal tig tilix tldr tmux tokei totem traceroute udftools unetbootin v4l2loopback vim virt-manager
             LocalPackages: brother-udev-rule-type1-1.0.2-0.noarch brscan-skey-0.3.1-2.x86_64 brscan4-0.4.10-1.x86_64 hll3290cdwpdrv-1.0.2-0.i386 nodejs-2:16.13.2-1nodesource.x86_64 zoom-

Maybe you can test a clean deployment without all the removed and added overlay packages.

Did the same as you systemctl --user disable --now wireplumber and my sound is back. Thank you.