Making a video for the Fedora YouTube channel

Marketing GitLab Issue #9 - Making a YouTube video

This thread is to break off a conversation that started regarding making our first YouTube video as a new effort. It’s likely that we’ll learn what we should and should not be doing through this video, as well as what our workflow should be.
Original thread - Reinvigorating the marketing team!

Thanks to @jcas0058 and @a7mad98 for starting on it! If you would like to help, go ahead and join the discussion below.

I also tagged design and mindshare because I figure there are things in this process that they should be involved in.

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@steiner I love these thumbnails! They look slick and professional. I think that someone who saw these thumbnails on the channel would think that the video would be a trustworthy resource for sure.

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Hi! I would recommend not basing any templates on release artwork because it gets stale shockingly quickly - I am assuming you’d want the videos to be a bit more evergreen?


Yes, we would need variety with our thumbnails and video artwork. This will keep the videos look fresh and new.

I will be unavailable during this week and the next due to University exams.

Thank you.