I need Pano Clipboard working and it doesn’t on F40. I have upgraded now, I doubt it’s within my abilities but wondered if someone could comment on how big a job it is to roll back the OS?
The Gnome extension Pano Clipboard
Such a rollback would require a full reinstall of the older version.
Is there not a suitable clipboard functional in f40?
What is the actual problem with Pano Clipboard that makes it unusable?
When I go to Pano - Clipboard Manager - GNOME Shell Extensions I see at the upper right a black incompatible
button. Hovering over that button provides information on how to resolve the incompatibility by
For GNOME Shell 3.12 or newer you can set "disable-extension-version-validation" dconf setting to true to force installation of incompatible extensions.
Wow, maybe that’s a cure for my disease!
Thanks. That page did’nt look like that (‘outdated’) until an hour or two ago, maybe 3. I have just looked, it doesn’t say incompatible here, it says ‘outdated’, and if i hover or click that nothing happens, and I turned off browser privacy protections in case some JS was being blocked or similar.
Do I only need your line quoted there? I have no idea what Gnome ‘Shell’ is, or what I have! But I know I have Fedora40 Workstation! Shall I give that a whirl?! thanks!
Added f39, f40, gnome-extensions, workstation
I just went through the github, they are stuck on Gnome 44, with support for 45 coming “soon”. The current version is Gnome 46 though. . .
As for the rollback, This is hard. if you have not done much since the update, Maybe things happen ok, but maybe not. Always back up your stuff. This “would have” been a good use of the BTRFS Snapshot feature, but that requires other things and configurations. it’s too late for that.
Once again, Can it be done (if you have not done updates or changed much since. . .) Maybe
Should it be done. . . it’s a big deal to rollback an update that large. Will require some thought.
There are tools with the package manager, but this is very risky. Configs could change and other important files as well. . .
The biggest question is do you have backups of your files? Do you know what to back up from applications etc.
I see this
from GitHub - oae/gnome-shell-pano: Next-gen Clipboard Manager for Gnome Shell
And f40 uses gnome shell 46
Ok, that’s the end of that conversation then, thanks for confirming my suspicions!!
Not yet, no. Soon, pwomise!
Yeah, we might have to do something with you and your desired backup solution. Get you on track with that.
That image looks the same except for the buttons at the top right.
Wonder what in our configs causes that difference ?
Mine was updated from f39 shortly after f40 was released and is fully updated. I normally only use the chrome browser so it could be an effect of using a different browser or something else deeper in the system.
I am hoping to have time real soon, I am HOPING to find something akin to Carbon Copy Cloner for Mac, AND something like TimeMachine. I know I won’t get anything as ‘easy’ to use (idiot proof in other words), but the closer the better for this idiot
Now I’m totally confused…
I opened it again and now mine says “Outdated” like yours does (maybe you are closer to CDN servers or mine was cached or something). BUT - Hovering brings up no such suggestions, nor does clicking!
And it gets even weirder…
I am using Brave, assumed you’re probably on Firefox so I opened it in Firefox. Same page on Firefox doesn’t even show the greyed out warning at all, it just offers the INSTALL button like was there when I installed! go figure!
For GNOME Shell 3.12 or newer you can set "disable-extension-version-validation" dconf setting to true to force installation of incompatible extensions.
should I try whatever this is suggesting? Don’t I have something like Gnome Shell FORTY SIX, rather than 3.12?!
Any tips on how to do what that suggestion says, would be appreciated.thanks
I know this doesn’t help but my advice is to not depend on extensions.
They are going to break at any Gnome upgrade and they are going to be abandoned by the author.
In some months you will be back with the same issue.
Browser cache.
I had never opened that page before so it was newly downloaded.
Yours probably was cached from an earlier viewing.
Clear your cache then reopen it to see the current page.
It’s possible to rollback from 40 to 39.
switch to a VT and run
sudo dnf --releasever 39 distro-sync --allowerasing
This comes with the assumption that the user has proper backups and can manage conflicts or a Fubar downgrade if they arise. There are other dnf
commands that could potentially handle this too but IMO, not a good way to handles these situations, especially for new users.