I tried to setup & use the scanner via web interface via the local ip (I use hplip & hp-gui). Somehow, I broke it because - I believe - I deactivated in the web interface the “LAN options”…but in hp-setup I need this option to use. I also tried to solve the problem by uninstalling this ipp-usb package…reboot…still not working…I really don’t know how to resolve the problem…now my Fedora finds printers which don’t even exist…I’m so confused…I also tried the troubleshooting from HPLIP from the official website of HP. Please help me . Thanks for listening.
P.S. I’m sitting on this since 3.5 hours…I’m going to check out my messages by time i.e. I won’t directly respond.
If you turned off the printer’s web interface, you might have to use your printer’s control panel to reset it to “factory defaults” to get the web interface turned back on.
I use hplip all the time.
Scanning does require the hplip plugin on most HP MFP printers so simply opening the gui then clicking on the Install Required Plugin button will either install an updated plugin to match the current driver version or tell the user that the plugin is already installed.
As stated, using the printer setup panel and doing a reset of the printer config should restore everything to default on the printer. Configuring the network may be required if using wifi but with ethernet it should auto-config.