How to update to Plasma 5.23 in Fedora 35 KDE


Different reviews of Fedora 35 (KDE) mention that the latest Plasma 5.23 is used in Fedora 35, while mine is still on Plasma 5.22.5.
How can I get to update to the latest version?

That’s odd. Probably a dumb question, but have you tried running # dnf upgrade?

Are you sure the reviews aren’t wrong? Often one site will make a statement and the rest will just copy it from there.

I don’t think F35 has plasma 5.23 yet.

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Thanks, I suppose you’re right.

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If you enable the testing repo during an update, you can get 5.23 now:

sudo dnf update --enablerepo=updates-testing

Checkout first, and see if anyone reports any major breakages. Btw, sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=updates-testing --advisory=FEDORA-2021-f7d19c8901 perfoms the update too.

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Can anyone tell me that will plasma 5.23 available in fedora 36 as far as i know or it will be make available with in this 35 edition. Blender is also good editor for video.

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Plasma 5.23 is in testing as above bodhi link. If all bugs are fixed, it will land in your updates repository.

If you wish to just enable the testing repo one time and install updates you can use
dnf update --enablerepo=updates-testing,updates-testing-modular
I have been using it about once a week when a newer version of Fedora comes out. I don’t use KDE but have gotten the latest Kernel from the testing repo.

Thank you

Hello @spidrena ,
Could you mark the comment that was the solution that solved your issue?

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Automatically updated today to Plasma 5.23.2
Many thanks to all, this fixed it before I could try the testing repos.
Nevertheless a good idea to retain.

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