How to install Samsung printer driver on Fedora Silverblue?


I have a Samsung laser printer which needs the Samsung unified printer driver.
The driver is only provided via script which simply works on Fedora Workstation but I have no idea how to integrate it into ostree. As I read rpm-ostree only layers RPMs.

Any idea?

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Yes this is indeed a special scenario.

Can you post the here?



For the correct formatting


SCRIPTS_DIR=$(dirname "$0")/noarch

# load 'scripting' run-time support utility functions
. "${SCRIPTS_DIR}/scripting_utils"
script_log_init $(basename "$0" ".sh")

# load 'package' run-time support utility functions
. "${SCRIPTS_DIR}/package_utils"
environment_init $(basename "$0" ".sh")

if sh "$SCRIPTS_DIR/" "$@" ; then
	if sh "$SCRIPTS_DIR/" "printer-meta" ; then
		# CUPS - OK
		sh "$SCRIPTS_DIR/" "scanner-meta"
		# CUPS - NG
		show_nls_message_no_nl "**** Do you want to continue to install scan driver ? [y/n] : "
		if [ -z "${CONTINUE_INSTALL}" ] ; then
		if [ "y" = "${CONTINUE_INSTALL}" ] || [ "Y" = "${CONTINUE_INSTALL}" ] ; then
			sh "$SCRIPTS_DIR/" "scanner-meta"
	sh "$SCRIPTS_DIR/" "$@"

The downoad consists of more files and sh scripts and can be found here:

The unified driver provides USB support, but some Samsung printers support driverless printing via AirPrint and should work with Linux IPP if you are able to use network printing. Linux does have some “work in progress” support for IPP via USB.

Sadly I can only use printing by usb.

When I try printing without the driver the printer awakens. So there is some reaction but it’s not printing. When I open the scanner program it sais that some drivers are missing.

Maybe its time for a new printer because it is an older model? But it is still printing fine. Would be a shame to throw it away.

Are there some lists availlable with printers that are 100% Linux compatible?

It is more than “work in progress”. The ipp-usb has been around for quite some time, and it only depends on the printer to support it. The printer docs almost never specify if the printer does or doesn’t support it.

IPP has many options/quirks needed for specific models. It seems to need trial-and-error to find the settings for a particular model. These are collected in /usr/share/ipp-usb/quirks/*.conf files. Progress means getting quirks for more printers, and perhaps some new quirks parameters.

I recently shifted to Bazzite (based on Silverblue) and ran into the same problem with my Samsung Xpress SL-M2020 printer.

I ended up creating an rpm and installing it as an rpm-ostree overlay to get my printer working (as per below).

Create RPM of Samsung Xpress SL-M2020 printer files

In clean install of Fedora Workstation 41 (virtual machine in boxes)

Download Samsung printer drivers from HP website at:

Install RPMCreator GUI tool

$sudo dnf install

find files modified less than a minute ago for comparison after printer driver install script has been run (i’ve added exceptions to limit the amount of locations searched for changed files to reduce the size of the captured output file)

open terminal

$cd /

$sudo find -L . ! ( -name proc -type d -prune -o -name sys -type d -prune -o -name run -type d -prune -o -name tmp -type d -prune -o -name dev -type d -prune -o -path ‘./var/lib/selinux/’ -o -path './var/lib/flatpak/’ -o -path ‘./var/cache/’ -o -path './var/lib/nfs/’ -o -path ‘./var/lib/gdm/’ -o -path './var/log/’ -o -path ‘./var/lib/fwupd/*’ -o -name ‘.cache’ -type d -prune -o -name ‘systemd’ -type d -prune ) -mmin -10 > $HOME/Downloads/pre-install.txt

Extract the downloaded samsung printer tar file and execute the install script

$cd “extract location”/uld_V1.00.39_01.17/uld

$sudo ./

once install is finished capture changes to file system

$cd /

$sudo find -L . ! ( -name proc -type d -prune -o -name sys -type d -prune -o -name run -type d -prune -o -name tmp -type d -prune -o -name dev -type d -prune -o -path ‘./var/lib/selinux/’ -o -path './var/lib/flatpak/’ -o -path ‘./var/cache/’ -o -path './var/lib/nfs/’ -o -path ‘./var/lib/gdm/’ -o -path './var/log/’ -o -path ‘./var/lib/fwupd/*’ -o -name ‘.cache’ -type d -prune -o -name ‘systemd’ -type d -prune ) -mmin -10 > $HOME/Downloads/post-install.txt

Note: change -mmin -10 minutes value if needed to capture changes further back in time

Comparing the pre and post install txt files and the contents of the extracted tar file I then created a project in RPMCreator as follows:

Create project “samsung-printer”

Under Basic tab

+Files and Folders

Add directories: (not sure if they have to be first in the list but there are some sym links to files in these folders)


Add files:


Package Name: samsung-printer
fill in something for other blue coloured fields

Scripts tab – clear contents

repack.txt tab

enter info in blue fields
click ‘Create repack.txt’

Save project

Build package

Trying to build the package at this point generated an error with “rastertospl” due to an embedded rpath issue. Rather than work out how to build from the command line with build flag to ignore the error i removed the embedded rpath in “rastertospl” file and added a symbolic link to the affected library into /usr/lib64:

$sudo dnf install chrpath
$sudo chrpath -d /opt/smfp-common/printer/bin/rastertospl
$sudo ln -s /opt/smfp-common/printer/lib/ /usr/lib64/

Add following to list of files in RPMCreator project, save and “build package”


Assuming package build is successful
copy rpm from $HOME/rpmbuild/RPMS to host machine

On host machine run

$rpm-ostree install

Manual File Changes
I found one existing file that was updated so just manually made the change.
Edit /etc/sane.d/dll.conf (i used $sudo vim /etc/sane.d/dll.conf) and add at end of file:


Reboot, add printer and print test page.

Note: my specific printer (M2020 series) doesn’t support ipp-usb.