Have you bought a Fedora preloaded device before?

@zoltanh721 brought up a good idea about collecting success stories from people who have bought Fedora preloaded laptops. Really it made me realize that I haven’t heard from anyone who’s bought one ever. If you have done this, please tell us what the experience was like - positive or negative!

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I bought a Lenovo X1 Carbon preloaded with Fedora Workstation last fall. It’s been pretty unremarkable, which is a good thing.


I did as mentioned in another topic a while ago:

Except for the inconvenience of having to reinstall due to the non-default filesystem, the laptop works great and I have yet to hear my son complain.


No, and I think often its easier to go the other route.

If you need Windows, and have some weird brand where Windows wont install because of MiSsInG DrIvErS its actually better to have a preinstalled Windows, as installing Fedora just works :smiley:

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