Lenovo To Begin Shipping ThinkPad Laptops With Fedora Pre-Installed

For those of you who might not have heard:

Will it be Silverblue?


I dont have any inside knowledge, but my initial thought is no, it will not be silverblue. More likely the main Fedora Workstation.

Yeah I just saw a tweet from Matthew Miller stating it won’t be Silverblue


Sounds reasonable to not use Silverblue at this point. Any news if there will be fingerprint support for the T480 model? I also feel like the touchpad support is limited as I can’t even zoom on firefox with the touchpad.


For a followup, for people that bought Thinkpads with Fedora preinstalled, how is the experience? Price, OEM install, do you use LUKS, how is support, etc.?

Atlease 1 person has encountered a not so well experience with Support. They sold them the laptop with Fedora, but Support team said they do not “Support” Fedora. . .

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Just saying, I wanted to get a working ISO (or just tips on how to get a working Windows install media) as I needed to install Windows on one. Their help is useless, they have an AI chatbot instead that hides actual contact information until you can suddenly see it after entering the right inputs… and if you dont pay for support you dont get anything.

But thats Windows, Linux support was fine.