Goal: We need to sell some laptops
Thanks for the additional insight into where things stand currently! Helps a lot to know what has been tried and where we’re at. Definitely want to make sure that one of our goals with our marketing efforts is to go for metrics that will show the value of preloaded Linux to internal Lenovo teams.
More specifically, I think our goal should be to drive sales to Lenovo Linux laptops. I don’t think anything will move the needle more. Whether we can do that, I hope we can, but I do think that’s the right target to shoot for.
Idea Zone
To that end, I do have a few ideas for things we can try. Some of these ideas are one-off initiatives we can do. Some are building blocks that can be used for future efforts. Some are more about having regular messaging and finding creative ways to keep that message out there about Lenovo Fedora laptops.
@jflory7’s idea of a Magazine article would be a great piece of long-form content to add color to what we’re trying to do here. If someone has bandwidth to pick this up, this is a great and relatively standalone task that would help this initiative.
- Podcast episode about Lenovo Fedora partnership would also be good for similar reasons.
- Getting clarification on how to get to the Fedora options on Lenovo’s website.
- Developing a landing page for Fedora laptops that would include (or probably only be) Lenovo products so that we have an easier to digest website to send people to. That page can then redirect to the specific machines people are interested in.
- Working on the specific value proposition for buying a Lenovo Fedora laptop that can be reflected in marketing, presentations, and other places we talk about our partnership.
Last one I’ll separate out because it’s a lot. Making Fedora on Lenovo a regular topic on our socials. I haven’t really documented this thought process anywhere, but I try to make sure there are regular topics or themes that are represented in the Mastodon account. Just like I regularly want to talking about Fedora innovation, features, community, supporting other open source projects, and so on, so do I want to regularly talk about how you can buy Fedora preinstalled Lenovo laptops. It’s an important step for desktop Linux that counts towards our efforts to promote FOSS more broadly.
To that end, I think this whole process will produce content that can be used to regularly talk about Fedora and Lenovo. Every article, podcast episode, or new development in supporting hardware is an ‘excuse’ to talk about this on our socials, and thus keep that idea in circulation.
Next Steps
First, I think the next best step is to get folks who want to be involved in this initiative into the Marketing Team Matrix channel. From there we’ll be able to move much faster on content and ideas.
Second, if anyone has ideas on things we can do or ways they (or their team) would like to contribute, please do so in this thread! Would be cool to accumulate ideas in one place so that as we get momentum going we have our next actions already identified.
Third, if you see any ideas that you would like to run with, please let us know! With many of these, like the article, podcast episode, and landing pages, those are projects that can run in parallel if we have people who want to pick up the parts they’re interested in. As I said, if you’re looking for a way to participate, consider picking up one of the ideas discussed and run with it. The Marketing Team will be happy to support you!