I’m enjoying a freshly installed Fedora 34 with GNOME 40. According to the welcome page of the latter, you can switch workspaces with Super + Alt + Scroll. In my system, for some reason, that doesn’t work. What works is Super + Middle click + Scroll. Funny.
I can’t seem to find a setting to change this behaviour. How can I (re)set the originally intended behaviour?
The corresponding screen in my tweaks looks exactly the same! Doesn’t seem to contain any option to change the described behaviour.
And yeah, it works just like that: Middle click (pressing the wheel down) and scrolling before releasing the wheel again. But not Super + Alt + scroll…
Talking about Occam’s razor… You are right! That works!
But it only works if my cursor is on the desktop… If it is on a browser or another program, it tries to scroll instead. Does that happen in your case as well?
Go to the applications overview (super+A). On my laptop touchpad, super+(2 finger scroll
left and right) moves view left & right . Open Gnome help and click Start applications (for example). Now super+scroll left and right. When done, double tap while releasing super. As indicated by @slopez, on desktop, move to left/right workspace.