Fedora 38 Wallpaper winner!

Hey everyone!

The Fedora 38 Wallpaper process is on its journey! The inspiration for Fedora 38 will start with the letter M and we have chosen Samuel Massie! :partying_face:

We choose 4-5 scientists, engineers, designers, and inventors whose last name starts with M. The Fedora design community chose between Samuel Massie, Samuel Morse, Maria Marien, and Ruth Moore.

The process of the wallpaper will be documented here on gitlab.

Each candidate has many potential visuals to inspire the wallpaper. The visual below is just one of many potential visuals that feel inspired by Massie’s work. Join us on September 21st, 2022 1:30 EST in the community design team meeting where we will collect visuals in Penpot and agree on a few different paths to go on.


Just an idea, but if this inspires things to go in a twisted-helix direction, it might be fun to make an explicit callback to this classic from Fedora Core 6:


I really like how Fedora focuses on the practical, it is truly a link to the contributors, and the pretext of Fedora Linux being a “Developers Linux”. I would humbly like to suggest we broaden the selection criteria a bit for the next wallpapers to also include artists in the list. Their contributions do have concrete benefits to our global community. Even if only in appreciation of the beauty they created, or captured. And by this I don’t mean necessarily use their work, but something inspired from their contributions designed by the community.

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