The following error occurred while installing the payload. This is a fatal error and installation will be aborted. The command 'ostree admin --sysroot=/mnt/sysimage deploy -- os-fedora fedora:fedora/41/x86_64/silverblue' exited with the code 1.
This error is thrown when I’m trying to install a fedora silverblue 41 image on my PC, I previously had a fedora workstation 40 which was updated to 41 in time, Which I uninstalled by wiping that partition through windows, yk by just wiping out the partition with fedora was 40, now however many times I try, same error pops, I read previous discussions on the forum, they say to just use another new disk altogether.
I assume the efibootmgr tries to set Fedora as boot target but fails, and is a requirement.
This should be possible to disable, so that you can still install it even though it fails.
I am not sure if atomic desktops work with dualboots. Afaik, grub deals with rollback deployments so it should be fine?
what do you mean, im unsure but i did boot into fedora installation window selected the drive and timezones and other things then when i hit finish installation it gave me this error after 50% installation had completed and just shut down on its own. so i do not think booting into fedora is an issue, also where can i know for sure that atomic desks dont work w dualboot, if so its almost pointless to try silverblue in my case. thankyou for answering
I dont know if atomic desktops work with dualboot. Have yet to try, might actually do that in a short while
I guess I’ll try installing og workstation then,really hope it works w/o any fatal error.