@hankuoffroad like everyone, you are free to read the chat and contribute. But please stop reading its content and then, without raising a discussion with us, posting here comments that indicate we are not able to fund our plans or that we conflict with the interests of Fedora.
If you have concerns, raise them at the place where we discuss it. If you then still think that we cause harm to Fedora, use more discrete means but posting such things here in public without a clear context. You can write a PM to @jflory7 or @mattdm or so, or contact the Council by other means if you think that is necessary. But for the beginning, in cases of a doubt, assume always that people do act in the best interest of Fedora and until there is a consensus that this is not the case, try to avoid means that undermine other people’s work and efforts.
Just writing such posts that look random to the public who follows here and that indicate we do something wrong or are not able to get our job done is not a nice behavior. It is not constructive as well, as it is unclear what you mean, especially in your recent post.
About your points:
You earlier raised the point that we have not sufficient funding for our plans: we get a room at the University College London (< 25 people), a perfect location in the middle of central London, well connected to all major terminals. You cannot have a better venue. This is everything we need. May it be with or without a 100 GBP sponsoring for snacks, we have what we need.
You now raise concerns that we create a conflict of interest of Fedora. Well, I am not sure if you mean my offer to do a presentation about my research that is partly about the role of Open Source and how to integrate it (and which I already offered here some weeks ago), or if it is about Patrick’s offer to present the goals of Gecko, which is by the way a registered Not-For-Profit in UK that has risen from OpenSuSE, is headed by one of its board members and supports and promotes Open Source communities and events: I do not see how any of the two topics poses a conflict of interest for Fedora. We did already events together with OpenSuSE in Germany, whereas Gecko is afaik intended to be independent of and not limited to OpenSuSE. The goal is to improve all communities and their activates. That’s in the interest of Fedora.
However, keep in mind that Open Source is much about presenting own’s work at conferences and such, not just at meetups. This is what we do and how we exchange ideas.
Also, keep in mind that it is not yet clear if we do a presentation at all, maybe we just create a rough agenda so that participants know what they are up against and have something that makes people talk.
Finally, we never affiliated Gecko or our private work officially with Fedora. I would be happy if Fedora supports my research officially though, but so far, I am just a Fedorian who offers to present his research. The same for Patrick. By the way, I already put forward 3 days ago the idea to discuss replacing the presentations by the rough agenda at all. Why did you not support that in the chat and made your point why that is better in your opinion? You didn’t raise anything about a conflict of interest.
This is intended as a meetup to collaborate and to exchange, to foster Open Source and to create and exchange knowledge, but also to have fun. It was initiated by people from Fedora, and now other communities get involved as well. More people to talk with/to. That’s just great. Nothing more.
If you read people’s comments in a chat that is not indexed and then link them to “conflicts of interests” or indicate they are not able to organize their proposed activities, you create deterrence and you make people think twice before they contribute. Please stop doing that but be more discrete if you think that something goes wrong, and even then, you maybe consider to raise your concerns in a discussion with the respective people before calling for the Council.
@mattdm @jflory7 The only ongoing conversation about the event is in the Matrix chat: https://chat.fedoraproject.org/#/room/#region-uk:fedoraproject.org
Feel free to review and let us know if you think there is a conflict of interest. If there is anything unclear or so, feel free to let us/me know. Imho, we act in the best interest of Fedora and aim to connect and exchange with other communities, and think about how to improve our activities. Any thought is appreciated anyway, as you have well experiences in that field