When i try to install extensions from extension manager clicking on the Install button next to an extension has no effect, does not show any warning or the useual install prompt. Application just stays inactive (i.e., Doesn’t do anything)
Gnome Shell Extensions:
With gnome shell extensions, I made sure that i have the gnome shell integration extension for Firefox and chrome added to my browsers (Tried this on both Firefox and a chromium based browser). when i visit the home page of gnome shell extensions no extensions show up but i could search for an extension and get results. WHen i try to install an extension through my browser the ON switch or the install button turns on but doesnt prompt for installation like its supposed to do
Later when i check my installed extensions the one i just tried to add from the browser doesnt show up and as i search again for the extension in the browser it says turned off.
Terminal or Package Manager:
Extensions installed through DNF works perfectly well
I simply can’t add extensions via any other source. This used to work properly but, this issue occurs since i decided to reinstall fedora (I completely wiped off deleted all existing partitions related to fedora and recreated them).
I dont understand why this issue happens if anyone could help its highly appreciated
Actually the reply above by Joe plus another thread on here about the same problem lead me to believe it’s an issue with the browser extensions most likely. Seems others are having the same problem.
Gnome 42 does not support many of the extensions previously supported in gnome 3.8. I don’t know which extensions you are trying to use, but the upgrade of gnome has left many 3rd party extensions inoperable and it will take time for the developers to get everything back functional.
To echo @computersavvy, this could be specific to the extensions you’re trying to use; could you provide a specific one and double-check GNOME Extensions that it’s compatible with 42?
Even if it’s not officially compatible, there are usually ways to get it working anyway…