(Belated) Summary of June 2024 Badges Round Table

Symbol Meaning
:warning: Important
:question: Question
:exclamation: Answer
:white_check_mark: Action Item
:chair: meeting chair
:spiral_notepad: meeting notes


The latest round table took place on June 19, 2024.

Announcements & News

Tahrir Revamp

  • Tahrir has been rewritten using Flask in the hope that with a more modern framework more community members will be able to contribute.
  • Tahrir now also has an internationalization (i18n) framework. Translation PRs from the community are welcome.
  • Last but not least, Tahrir now uses Jinja templates like other Fedora apps allowing for easier changes to the design and layout.


We had no follow-ups to discuss. The May meeting was skipped due to lack of agenda items and people being busy preparing the release party.

Main Topics

Badges Maintenance

  • In the past a handful of scripts were available on badges-backend01 for editing badges (typos), awarding manually, etc.
  • Scripts are still there, but only available on the pod in Openshift, which is only accessible through a separate UI.

FESCo Badge

We discussed what do to do about the FESCo badge, for which a ticket was filed a long time ago. Meanwhile, appropriate steps have been taken and the inappropriate Latin text has been adjusted. Special thanks to @ekidney for the updated rubber stamp artwork.

State of the Badger

We discussed some technical aspects of Badges and how to get more people involved in maintaining and improving it now that Badges will live on. The general structure of Badges is healthy and maintainable. Some badge series require a more efficient approach in order to consume less resources. Now the entire message history has to be evaluated for badges that are awarded for milestones over time.

Documentation for setting up Tahrir for local testing and development is available online in the hope this will help potential (code) contributors with onboarding.

Next Meeting

Seeing that we have less to discuss and that the urgency of agenda items has dropped as well as July and August being the summer months mostly used for extended vacations we decided to skip the next two planned dates in those months and will meet again on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 1:00 PMWednesday, September 18, 2024 2:00 PM.

Open Floor


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