So in short i had arduino IDE appimage installed and it worked fine ever since i started using it but now when i open the appimage its just a blankscreen and nothing shows up ? i have tried restarting my pc, reinstalling the IDE, updating my system but nothing worked. I really need the IDE asap. any help will be appreciated. Picture below. Also I was using the AppImage Launcher that integrates Appimages in the system but I don’t think that’s at fault cause other appimage work fine. nonetheless i uninstalled it.
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Why wouldn;t you use the flatpak instead of a system of packaging from some other distro? Install Arduino IDE v2 on Linux | Flathub, or Install Arduino IDE on Linux | Flathub just seems more reasonable on a Fedora system
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Because the Flatpak version doesn’t work any better?
I’m having trouble with both the Flatpak and app image versions. While seeking a solution Google showed me this thread so I thought I’d respond. Possibly inappropriately. Sorry!