AAAAGH! Wireless Access Points!

I DETEST networking!!
I have THREE wireless access points, all known working.
I have tried everything but can’t suss this. I want to put ethernet cable into one of them to provide temp wifi (don’t use wifi normally).
I did everything I have done in past (on Mac anyway) and can’t go to the IP address in browser. Wonidering if its a Fedora thing.
I tried connecting laptop to WAP by ethernet, by wifi, and via LAN. No cigar on all counts
Just wondered if anyone might have a tip for me?! :smiley:

I don’t care for WiFi either. I try to use cables where ever possible. I can only suggest scouring though the logs to see if you can find an error message that might give a hint about what is going wrong. E.g.: sudo journalctl --since=today.

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Thanks. Yes, with all these damn modern things needing OTPs and app app confirmations etc, I’ve been forced into getting an old ipad JUST for verifications (refuse to do it on my own phone, call me belligerent all you like, I won’t deny it :D). But want a wifi thing I can just t urn on for 2 minutes and then chuck it back in draw with the ipad!
I’ll suss it, starting again from scratch today, it should be simple so something silly is wrong somewhere, probably operator error!
Thanks again

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