and 6.2.90 and 6.2.91 will be beta releases. 6.2.90 was released on Jan 09. I’ve been monitoring Bodhi and it’s only showing a 6.2.90 set of rpms for Fedora 42. Will 6.2.90 and 6.2.91 will releases to Fedora 41 or will KDE 6.3 just show up all the sudden it on the planned date of Feb 11th?
That’s why I was asking, since the code came out Jan 09 I was expecting to see a bodhi package set for F41 by now
This shows that 6.2.90 has already been built.
but only for Fedora 42 which I was already seeing in FEDORA-2025-18add6864b
I guess I can try the Fedora mailing list but I don’t have a login unless I get one automatically by from the KDE discussion login I have.
Okay I just tried with my password and it fails. I don’t want to make yet another login so I’m going to drop this.