Why does f37 have a lot more graphical stutters than f36? | RPM Fusion nvidia drivers | RTX 3060 Ti

About a week ago I upgraded to f37 from f36. On f36 all graphical animations on the gnome desktop were smooth, even when the CPU was under full load. On f37, everything lags and stutters when the cpu has a background workload even modestly above idle. This includes typing in an IDE, the animation associated with the transition to viewing desktop workspaces, cursor movements, opening settings, Firefox, ect… Does anyone know why this is? It’s almost like the graphical animations associated with these actions were handled by something other than the main CPU cores (GPU or other hardware accelerators) on f36 but are now being handled entirely by the cpu cores. Is there a way to fix this? I’m running a Ryzen 9 7950X and an RTX 3060 Ti, so I don’t think it’s simply that hardware requirements were bumped from f36 to f37 and my hardware is now too slow to handle it. It should work as seamlessly as before. Was something offloaded to hardware accelerators that isn’t anymore? Is it a change in the scheduler?

Mostly it has to do with the GPU drivers. When you change Fedora version there is most a Kernel change involved. This means drivers have to be new compiled and new installed. So just upgrading is not enough.

Especially if you use Nvidia drivers!

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Drivers were updated along with everything else listed in software updates, though.

Not quite true if the drivers are installed from rpmfusion, since akmods manages updating the driver when the kernel is updated.

Certainly true if the drivers are manually installed and need recompiled.

The latest nvidia driver installed from rpmfusion and verified as active should manage the hardware acceleration properly.

What is the output of modinfo nvidia, lsmod | grep nvidia, and dnf list installed kernel kmod-nvidia*

I refereed this on missing/bad driver. I not answered out of the blue :wink:

output of modinfo nvidia:

filename:       /lib/modules/6.2.8-200.fc37.x86_64/extra/nvidia/nvidia.ko.xz
firmware:       nvidia/525.89.02/gsp_tu10x.bin
firmware:       nvidia/525.89.02/gsp_ad10x.bin
alias:          char-major-195-*
version:        525.89.02
supported:      external
license:        NVIDIA
srcversion:     6486826C11DE6850EA9AD88
alias:          pci:v000010DEd*sv*sd*bc06sc80i00*
alias:          pci:v000010DEd*sv*sd*bc03sc02i00*
alias:          pci:v000010DEd*sv*sd*bc03sc00i00*
retpoline:      Y
name:           nvidia
vermagic:       6.2.8-200.fc37.x86_64 SMP preempt mod_unload 
sig_id:         PKCS#7
signer:         joelsdesktop-1355914905
sig_key:        26:17:11:04:F5:26:DB:D0:69:F2:11:59:F6:09:4D:A8:D1:56:8A:23
sig_hashalgo:   sha256
signature:      BF:F0:DA:10:8D:2E:93:09:16:DE:DC:2C:22:4F:B5:05:70:26:A9:8A:
parm:           NvSwitchRegDwords:NvSwitch regkey (charp)
parm:           NvSwitchBlacklist:NvSwitchBlacklist=uuid[,uuid...] (charp)
parm:           NVreg_ResmanDebugLevel:int
parm:           NVreg_RmLogonRC:int
parm:           NVreg_ModifyDeviceFiles:int
parm:           NVreg_DeviceFileUID:int
parm:           NVreg_DeviceFileGID:int
parm:           NVreg_DeviceFileMode:int
parm:           NVreg_InitializeSystemMemoryAllocations:int
parm:           NVreg_UsePageAttributeTable:int
parm:           NVreg_EnablePCIeGen3:int
parm:           NVreg_EnableMSI:int
parm:           NVreg_TCEBypassMode:int
parm:           NVreg_EnableStreamMemOPs:int
parm:           NVreg_RestrictProfilingToAdminUsers:int
parm:           NVreg_PreserveVideoMemoryAllocations:int
parm:           NVreg_EnableS0ixPowerManagement:int
parm:           NVreg_S0ixPowerManagementVideoMemoryThreshold:int
parm:           NVreg_DynamicPowerManagement:int
parm:           NVreg_DynamicPowerManagementVideoMemoryThreshold:int
parm:           NVreg_EnableGpuFirmware:int
parm:           NVreg_EnableGpuFirmwareLogs:int
parm:           NVreg_OpenRmEnableUnsupportedGpus:int
parm:           NVreg_EnableUserNUMAManagement:int
parm:           NVreg_MemoryPoolSize:int
parm:           NVreg_KMallocHeapMaxSize:int
parm:           NVreg_VMallocHeapMaxSize:int
parm:           NVreg_IgnoreMMIOCheck:int
parm:           NVreg_NvLinkDisable:int
parm:           NVreg_EnablePCIERelaxedOrderingMode:int
parm:           NVreg_RegisterPCIDriver:int
parm:           NVreg_EnableDbgBreakpoint:int
parm:           NVreg_RegistryDwords:charp
parm:           NVreg_RegistryDwordsPerDevice:charp
parm:           NVreg_RmMsg:charp
parm:           NVreg_GpuBlacklist:charp
parm:           NVreg_TemporaryFilePath:charp
parm:           NVreg_ExcludedGpus:charp
parm:           NVreg_DmaRemapPeerMmio:int
parm:           rm_firmware_active:charp

output of lsmod | grep nvidia:

nvidia_drm             90112  231
nvidia_modeset       1232896  6 nvidia_drm
nvidia_uvm           3100672  6
nvidia              56459264  861 nvidia_uvm,nvidia_modeset
video                  73728  2 amdgpu,nvidia_modeset

output of dnf list installed kernel kmod-nvidia*:

kernel.x86_64                                                                                                    6.0.5-200.fc36                                                                           @updates     
kernel.x86_64                                                                                                    6.2.8-100.fc36                                                                           @updates     
kernel.x86_64                                                                                                    6.2.8-200.fc37                                                                           @updates     
kmod-nvidia-5.19.16-200.fc36.x86_64.x86_64                                                                       3:520.56.06-1.fc36                                                                       @@commandline
kmod-nvidia-6.0.5-200.fc36.x86_64.x86_64                                                                         3:525.89.02-1.fc37                                                                       @@commandline
kmod-nvidia-6.2.8-100.fc36.x86_64.x86_64                                                                         3:525.89.02-1.fc36                                                                       @@commandline
kmod-nvidia-6.2.8-200.fc37.x86_64.x86_64                                                                         3:525.89.02-1.fc37                                                                       @@commandline

All of that looks good for what you currently have installed.
The latest nvidia driver from rpmfusion is

# dnf list akmod-nvidia
Last metadata expiration check: 0:23:36 ago on Tue 04 Apr 2023 04:13:51 PM CDT.
Installed Packages
akmod-nvidia.x86_64                                   3:530.41.03-1.fc37                                    @rpmfusion-nonfree-nvidia-driver

I would suggest you do a full update sudo dnf upgrade --refresh so you get the latest drivers and anything else that may be newer than what is already installed, then after waiting for at least 5 minutes following the completion of the upgrade, reboot.

Let us know if the newer driver version fixes the issue.
The RTX 3060 Ti is one of the newer GPUs and it seems likely that the upgrade of the nvidia driver may fix it for you.

A search on nvidia.com calls for the 525.105.17 or newer driver for that GPU

When reporting an issue you should include enough information for others to understand your envronment. You don’t mention if you are using Nvidia hardware, whether you are using Xorg or Wayland, your DE, and whether you are using nouveau or Nvidia’s drivers. Fedora has no control over Nvidia’s drivers, while nouveau should be adequate for the basic desktop uses you mention. A decade old iMac with Nvidea. For me, nouveau is not annoyingly slow running Gnome DE in Wayland.

Actually he did in the first post. (RTX 3060 Ti) and additional in his response to my request.

Nouveau does no hardware acceleration, especially with the newer GPUs, and seems very inadequate for anything that is graphics intensive since all graphics rendering is offloaded to the CPU – resulting in the lag/stuttering noted. Older drivers that do not properly support the GPU have a similar affect.

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This seems to have done the trick! Thank you so much! The CPU is under full load and there is zero stuttering. :slightly_smiling_face:

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But I had to google to see that this is an Nvidia Model.

I do agree with @gnwiii about missing information.

A template for such specific graphic issues would be the right way to collect information.

It is true, the naming conventions used by Nvidia/AMD/Intel for all of their products is… not great.

I should have goggled the model number, but was rushed for time and also wondering if the system had some integrated graphics being used for lower power consumption or due to a problem with accelerated graphics configuration. I have had times when users couldn’t run graphics intensive app but rejected the suggestion that they connect the monitor to the expansion card because “all my other apps run fine”.
There are cases where expensive graphics hardware is needed, but many people are happy with what more basic hardware provides and won’t notice the difference.

I don’t think so. Fedora not delivers closed source drivers per default.
They come with

RPM Fusion

RPM Fusion provides software that the Fedora Project or Red Hat doesn’t want to ship. That software is provided as precompiled RPMs for all current Fedora versions and current Red Hat Enterprise Linux or clones versions; you can use the RPM Fusion repositories with tools like yum and PackageKit.

RPM Fusion is a merger of Dribble, Freshrpms, and Livna; our goal is to simplify end-user experience by grouping as much add-on software as possible in a single location. Also see our FoundingPrinciples.

There is also a nvidia tag where not has been set while creating the topic.

By the way, I added also a model tag like #rtx-3060-ti.

Now it is quite simple to localize this topic using the tags in the URL

For reference, anything beginning with RTX or GTX is going to be a discrete Nvidia GPU and anything beginning with RX is going to be a discrete AMD gpu.

This drivers are also not included in Fedora because of being closed source right?

It seem AMD provides open source drivers for linux while Nvidia does not. That opinion is based on the way Fedora includes the AMD drivers and the known restrictions fedora follows on distributing software.