Where do I start in learning how to install/boot FCOS on an arm64 based device?

Hello, I have a tinkerboard 2s that I want to use with FCOS. It is somewhat similar to the rpi4. The boot structure as defined by Asus engineers is: uboot, trust, kernel boot, rootfs, userdata (which contains cmdline.txt)

I am successful in building uboot, trust, kernel, and ubuntu rootfs. But I’m not sure how this will now look like with FCOS. I get that an ignition file is required, but I don’t understand how the process will look like now.

Any thoughts?

Thank you,

Hello @wahahawasabi and welcome to :fedora: !

Unfortunately, I am not familiar with Tinker Board 2S and am not sure if it is supported by Fedora CoreOS. I would suggest you check out Provisioning Fedora CoreOS on the Raspberry Pi 4 :: Fedora Docs if you haven’t already.

Added arm64, coreos