Were can I found if Fedora 39 beta has been released?

I was wondering if there was a place were I can found if Fedora 39 beta has been released ?

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It has not been released yet. There is the normal go/no-go meeting planned for today. Expect an announcement if it is a go later today or tomorrow.


For more information, take a look at the detailed schedule here:


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Thanks to both of you for these answers !

Would be interesting to know if we do share this information’s in some social medias? Go-No Go decisions would be quite interesting.

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I think they’re announced on the mailing lists and used to be in Ben’s updates on the community blog (which would then have posts here on Discussion.fp.o). Not sure if these bits are put on the social media channels, though.


It was signed off today and will be released next Tuesday. There will at least be an announcement here in Announce List (which is a read-only mirror of the announce-list mailing list), I will try and remember to post a “native” discourse announcement too.


Fedora 39 beta has been announced on phoronix:


With faster DNF they probably still believe DNF 5 is coming with F39?!
I could not find anything in the:

about faster DNF*.

* p.s.
In the comments someone confirmed it that it is not with DNF 5.

“We’d planned to update the DNF package manager to a new, speedier version…However, we decided these things just weren’t ready in time.”

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Yes, that’s a mistake on their part. I have left a comment about it.


I have a additional question about the beta version … please have a look here:

I made the test-list request as proposed, but no answer so far.

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If you are looking for a machine parsable file, this json could be useful

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Announcements of that sort are posted in the “News & Announcements” category. It was posted there on Tuesday 9/19/23