Warning: /dev/disk/by-uuid/UUID does not exist

My laptop had glitch and i turned off it using emergency shutdown (long press on power button)
After that i got this issue.

[ !! ] This OS version (Fedora Linux 39 (Workstation Edition) dracut-059-16.fc
39 (Initramfs)) is past its end-of-support date (2024-11-12)
Warning: /dev/disk/by-uuid/1c79c656-3ca4-4373-8a6c-99540996a34f does not exist

Generatin ¨/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt¨

Entering emergency mode. Exitthe shell to continue.
Type ¨journalctl¨ to view system logs.
You might want to save ¨/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt¨ to a USB stick or /boot
after mounting them and attach it to a bug report.

Press Enter for maintenance
(or press Control-D to continue):

I tried to fix it by myself but nothing helped.

  • blkid doesn’t display anything
  • I don’t have /etc/fstab but I have /etc/fstab.empty
  • I don’t understand content of journalctl

I can’t reinstall fedora because i have not commited changes in my project
Please tell me what i need to do to fix it.

suddenly i found this video that helped me

you should enter to BIOS and enable the mode.
problem solved by itself