Small cursor on xwayland windows

I recently upgraded to fedora 41 beta and for some reason some of my XWayland windows are changing the cursor size to a tiny one. I recorded a video showing the issue, on screenshots in gnome my cursor wasn’t sowing up for some reason.

Edit 1: My monitor is 4k and I’m using 200% scaling with variable refresh rate experimental feature enabled. All other are disabled as the image shows.

Edit 2: I’m running a wayland session, Bruno is a wayland app, yet is presenting the same tiny cursor as the JetBrains toolbox app that is running on xwayland.

Edit 3: How do I know that Jetbrain toolbox is a XWayland app and Bruno is not? I typed xprop on terminal and in XWayland apps I can click a window and get some info about it.

You can change mouse cursor-size to bigger value and see how is going with dconf editor too

Hey, thanks for the suggestion, but yet facing the same issue, outside the xwayland app the cursor is now larger, but in the xwayland window becomes tiny look at these images:

Image 1: inside xwayland window

Image 2: outside the xwayland window

Edit 1: discovered how to show the cursor in the screenshots :slightly_smiling_face:

I have exactly the same issue((

This is a known bug in GTK 4.16:

A fix has been introduced and will likely reach our repositories soon.