I think I will change my question! I am looking for certain information that I have lost on my main drive. I had it on other drives over the years. I had quick formatted them and replace with different and larger drives and set them aside. I wish to active or replace the system and boot to them to attempt to retrieve the data. Any Suggestions. Can this be done in Linux! Or do I have to resort to “Ta Ta Ta Daaa! THE OTHER GUY!”
LOL! That is funny it’s a whole drive I am restoring that was accidentally quick formatted. I tried several programs, but they keep wanting to write back onto the boot drive, that by the way is of a 250 gig flash drive. Can’t seem to find one that one actually say where to restore the files selected.
It’s common practice to configure automatic snapshots or backups in advance, making it much easier to recover accidentally deleted files.
TestDisk and PhotoRec helped me in a past, they can be booted from live USB. Recommend to try.
I have no windows! Strictly Linux! I agree if I used windows I would have all back in a flash! One
of the few positives about windows. Writers of third party programs write them for the layman and others…LOL!
Only with linux!
Sure those that do lecture those who don’t! LOL
In the Fedora repos testdisk
and qphotoreq
I used this yesterday, Not to restore a drive, but to “Inspect” a suspicious drive and it’s contents. This is a recovery tool, it’s just i wanted to “recover” something "more. . . "
Did you even read it???
Seems not likely.