Something I’ve not been able to find any evidence of is an intention to support Raspberry Pi 5 on Fedora.
I believe rpi5-uefi is not quite feature complete yet and the V3D GPU driver for the Pi 5’s BCM2712 SoC is destined for the Linux 6.8 release.
Will Fedora 40 aarch64 ship with Linux 6.8?
Has there been any project discussion on rolling a Fedora aarch64 image to support the Pi5?
Yes have seen this and there is no real info there, just conjecture.
Things change and progress is actually happening so I’m wondering, as explained in the OP, if there has been project discussion about a rpi5 image for Fedora 40.
Additionally I’ve not seen confirmation of what kernel will ship with f40 so this will be significant in supporting the Pi 5’s SoC
Read the fedora arm mailing list archieve and questions about rpi5 support.
That will confirm what we have been saying. The last update was “no change”, waiting up kernel.
What I do not know is which kernel release will have enough RPi5 support for the ARM SIG folks to build the RPi5 images. The rest is not conjecture.
Note that Fedora keeps updating the kernel to the latest that has been released and tested.
Fedora is not like LTS distros that always have old kernels.
All this I know, I’m no freshman. I’ve read through Linux and Fedora mailing lists and there is nothing concrete which is why I’m posting this on Fedora’s “Project Discussion” thread, it’s a reach out for anyone who may be able to contribute information.
As I said Linux 6.8 seems to be the mainline kernel with initial support for the Pi5’s BCM2712 which is likely to be released before f40. Of course this doesn’t mean there is an expectation to support rpi5 in f40.
Please don’t clutter the thread if you don’t have any info/answers
and what is with Sound and Grapics3D support HDMI ? And maybe the resolution search(testing) for optimal resolution… i have running now 2 Rasperrys5
running, both with the Rawhide 40 Workstation RPI4 image on a NV-SSD , but both display runs over Framebuffer with an no “checking out” resolution test what’s possible and give a optimal Resolution…
As example if i run the RPI5 at an normal Computermonitor (what’s works so far, bad as well)
have i a/it is a “hard-configured” 16:9 display and the Desktop let show only the right side of the Display and cut the 1/3 of the other side of the desktop… okey, at my server do i not need a Soundcard, but with this 16:9 it runs perfectly over hdmi and disapointet fully if there no 3D and no Soundsupport, because for looking TV it’s perfectly without a SatBox but as Internet Fedora TV Box… it’s need’s only a running KDE for let display Links on the Desktop and have a nice feeling on Plasma, but because not existend 3D support , now we have today a 6.10 Kernel with all what’s norrmally RPI5 need’s, disappotint it really if there not a actual Image where support 3D Graficsdriver and sounddriver for HDMI, so a actual Kernel for support it for …(how it can write… i am an german…) So, [german] @dwrobel, könntest Du vielleicht mit nem lieeeben Bitte, ein aktuelles Images bauen, daß die RPI5 auch mit allem Funtzen ? Vielleicht auch mit sddm/KDE/Plasma6 ? Richtig Fettes Bitte ! [/german]
could maybe tell dwrobel he could maybe type a couples types … ?
best regards
VideoCore VII GPU, supporting OpenGL ES 3.1, Vulkan 1.2
Dual 4Kp60 HDMI® display output with HDR support
4Kp60 HEVC decoder
and ask my, why not direct support this grafics slowly today with a new kernel?
also the sound works not at the actually at the Image from 20240418 at rawhide.
and why is disable the bluetoot at the workstation in /boot/config.txt :
behind disable this entry via “#” works the bluetooth…
also the sound, why be the iec958 not at the kernelmodules ?
take a look
root@blackysgate6:/home/blackcrack# modprobe bcm2835
modprobe: FATAL: Module bcm2835 not found in directory /lib/modules/6.6.47-1.rpi4.fc40.aarch64
at Fedora 39 is the actual kernel : vmlinuz-6.10.12-100.fc39.x86_64
why not a more new kernel for aarch RPI and maybe directly a more new rawhide RPI5 image
with the actual kernel, then should we have also the sound…
Fedora requires the support to be in the upstream kernel.
The necessary code has not yet been merged upstream.
There is work on going to get the code merged, but it’s on going.
The raspberian kernel has lots of patches added to the upstream kernel to make the rpi5 work. The rpmfusion kernel I believe is also carrying some or all of these patches.
@barryascott ah okey thy for info @chrismaster i have try the aarch64-f41-20241025-sda.raw.xz , have copy around the config.txt for aarch and so on but it has not start the Wayland, the screen stay’s baaalack…
but, the image where i see at :
looks more new and want i test, if the Fedora-Workstation-Rawhide-20250204.n.0.aarch64.raw.xz starts with the wayland, be i totall happy because then can i use normal Monitors with vga-minihdmi cable and have a correct solution, what’s with the screen from 40 it is not…,
Fedora-Workstation-Rawhide-20250204.n.0.aarch64.raw.xz whant i testet out timenearly
Why not a serverimage… graahh… i wanna a Grafical surface, i know “i be a geek, i dont need a Grafical and Server have no, because i supercreeewl geek” what a bull shit why not use and install divers servers step by step and if i bottom in my basement and tinkering around with wood or something else have i a grafical Surface with Plasma and a Grafical Soundplayer in my Account… i hate standardisation, the user should config what he want and should have a start what’s possible, under is it is also sddm or gdm and this can everytime disable if’s not need … specially for starters should ever start a Gui who be reliable and start with a working Surface in right size and the Starters should learn at first to be any OS be a server and not a “workstation” and “Serverimage” it should in general build with a working DM and WM and the extended user can snipping out what he not need, this is a extended knowing what’s possible and supports the Starter to have all what’s need… an OS without Gui is bullschit for all in my opinion, the same with the Powerdevel, the f**beep* Powerdevel and so on and now have i trubbles with the prompt “the power wil go down in blabla” becaue gdm and his powermanagement… what for a bullschit in 39… and now have i still some trubles and i become it not away…
how ever, this as a short feedback… i want test the new rawhide let’s look how it’s work…
and yes, i download the workstation… i don’t like “server images” gahh…
i have now tested the Fedora-Workstation-Rawhide-20250204.n.0.aarch64.raw.xz, i don’t know if this is wayland because i can’t diag it because mouse and keyboard is not running, over usb, over usb-funk(dongle) hmmmm… waiting for next image… :\
therewith is the first config impossible, i see the listing of the Language, but can’t move my mouse or cant jump around over tab-key or arrowkeys, because like it feel’s, the keyboard and mouse drivers are not loading… im P5 with this image …
The pciexpress-ssd have a updated from P4-39 to 40 and there works the usb-dongle keyboard-mouse and i have plugin a usb-keyboard also both works not…