I have not seen any updates on the Fedora ARM mailing list about Rpi5.
As far as I know we are still waiting on enough hardware support to be upstreamed to the kernel. But this is off topic.
Now it is not anymore. Thanks for the info.
I bought me one. If i have time I will test and deliver as much information I can. If you have further procedure/information please let me know.
Last time Peter, ARM fedora sig, reported the was an issue booting the kernel I recall.
Just seen this https://www.phoronix.com/news/Linux-6.12-RPi5-More-X1-Laptops that says more RPi5 support going into next linux kernel.
Well keep in mind that phoronix takes every no-matter-how-early announcement as fact
(Speaking as myself, having 2 change proposals rejected that were announced there too)
I am very well aware that Phronix does not wait to verify anything they publish.
But they do report on stuff being sent for merging, which I take as a signal to
check later if the code is actually released and usable.
For quality journalism I rely on lwn.net’s reporting, that I pay a subscription for to support them.
I just found this topic:
with a copr repo.
I will test it and give feedback on the link mentioned.
My feedback I document on my wiki space:
User:Ilikelinux/rpi5 - Fedora Project Wiki
It worked of course thanks for sharing to all who participate on the adventure!
I’m seeing that more Rpi5 (I think it was graphics related) is being staged for the 6.13 kernel merge window, due out in ealry 2025.
It’s clearly going to be a while before the upstream linux kernel has enough of the pieces to make Rpi 5 work without the patches that RPM Fusion are applying.
Mine runns with the patches. A issue I got now is the suspend. The video comes not back. I had a ssh session open and got the following message.
Broadcast message from gdm@rpi5 on tty1 (Thu 2024-11-21 14:11:15 -03):
The system will suspend now!
Network card is off. It might works if I let the network without suspend … is this possible?
Probably also the usb. I use a Logitech wireless mouse/keyboard.
I am guessing you must configure power management to prevent suspend.
That is what i mande in the end .
Switching it off with the config files.
Hello, I tried Fedora Rawhide using Linux Kernel 6.12, Fedora boot correctly now, I see the welcome window but mouse and keyboard doesn’t work…
I had same issue with kernel 6.11, but i saw that the vanilla kernel already has a 6.13 version!
it is needed to have a extra firmware for that, It looks like that this is not available just with the default from Fedora (Just from 6.13 it will be integrated in the kernel). Thats why it exists the copr solution to get this extra stuff.
sorry Fedora Rawhide use Kernel 6.13.0-0.rc0
I tried Rawhide but was unsuccessful already to install it.
I was trying to install the testing kernel in the Copr install from @dwrobel.
This worked with the command I took from bodhi:
sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=updates-testing --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2024-9fb3492511
I thought it was as simple as explained here User:Ilikelinux/grubby - Fedora Project Wiki
I looks like that this is not working for ARM? Would be very happy If someone could bring some light in the process of doing it with an RPI alias ARM system. I just remember that EFI not works on ARM.
Does somebody know some information sources to find out more about that?
I liked the Youtube video I found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpFsMB6FoOs . As already mentioned for ARM it seams to look slightly different. Exelent would be something like this for the RPI5 only.
I put this here because of the closed topic @angel96
I am also waiting
The people doing the work are on the Fedora ARM mailing list.
The last email about RPi is here: RPi 5 - As a server (sans graphics and sans wifi) - arm - Fedora mailing-lists
Quoting what Peter said
The core bits upstream ATM are basically core compute and mSD support. The
key bit still needed for most things on the RPi5 is support for the RP1
chip because that has network and USB on it. I believe PCIe has mostly
landed, but I need to do some more testing there.
I was planning on taking a closer look again at the RPi5 one the 6.14 merge
window has closed as that will give me a much better idea what we can
support in F-42.