hello - i bought a new raspberry pi 5 and was thinking of putting fedora on it, but after doing some research, it looks like there’s a special version for the pi? i’m guessing because it’s ARM and not x86? not really a big problem, if it works well. the screen shot i saw in one of the articles showed an odd looking DE. thought it was GNOME, but it might’ve been KDE.
i’d like to have consistency between my laptop and desktop - i run Fedora 39 on my laptop and was going to have the pi set up as my desktop with it as well. maybe this wasn’t a good idea?
Pi is ARM-based, so you need the arm version (aarch64).
However, the Pi5 is not yet fully supported, see Fedora on Raspberry Pi 5, Fedora 39 Server on Raspberry Pi 5 does not boot and https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/arm@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/LW3HTPQWDAS3XKXAHAH2AEGAMVEPU2U6/
I also have a RPi 5 and I’m waiting for Fedora to install on it.
At the moment I’ve used the raspbian for RPi 5 to make sure that the hardware is all working. The DE is LightDM by the way.
As @augenauf said Fedora on RPi 5 is not working yet.
The needed upstream kernel changes are happening, but it will be a while before there is a bootable Fedora with GPU support.
FYI: Fedora on RPi 4 works great. I have a couple of RPi 4’s doing a great job.
@barryascott @augenauf thank y’all for this information! i shoulda done better research before buying it. i wasn’t thinking at all about it running an ARM chip, though i knew it did. i’ll hold on to it anyway, since they’re somewhat difficult to come by, i’ll just delay what i was planning on doing with it. not a big deal, i just wanted a desktop set up so i wouldn’t have to constantly be connecting and disconnecting my laptop all the time. i may still try running a compatible distro on it and see how it goes. i was just wanting the aesthetic/technical consistency. thanks again
I mean just try how Fedora runs and maybe help find some bugs!
Last i tried fedora cannot boot the kernel on rpi5. Seems kernel 6.9 will be needed from the last feedback on arm mailing list.
Any news about Fedora on Raspberry Pi 5 ?
I tried Fedora Rawhide, but I have this message error :
simple framebuffer simple framebuffer.0: [drm] "ERROR" could not acquire memory
range [mem 0x3f800000-0x3fbf4fff flags 0x200]: -16
raspberrypi-clk soc:firmware:clocks: Unknow clock id:16 (max: 15)
I see Linux 6.8 adds Raspberry Pi 5 support to the V3D DRM driver.
Latest email from Peter Robinson says key support is still missing, and not planned yet, for the linux kernel.
Quoting from his email on the arm fedora list
The main pieces missing from the upstream kernel to boot to a login
prompt over serial is appear to be the following:
- The SoC pinctrl driver
- Support in the mmc storage driver for the SoC variant
- Minor bits for the gpio driver
I’m not aware of any efforts to get anything upstream, I’ve not seen
patches on lists etc.
See Details on Raspberry Pi 5 support timelines - arm - Fedora Mailing-Lists
This indicates they are running a custom Kernel in Raspberry Pi OS. You can get that from their update servers as a deb file and convert it to an RPM.
Yep, they are carrying a lot of patches on top of the deb kernel.
Any news about Fedora support on RPi5 ?
I read that Suse(?) folks are working on upstreaming missing pieces to the kernel to enable booting of kernel on rpi5 from phronix.com news.
i have now my 2nd RPI5, the aarch64 is great and need’s only ~5 watt, my first RPI5 is running as Server in my basement and it works great so far !
System Image from rpmfusion RPI4 Workstation 40
but the Display works on Framebuffer and the sound works only with a extra audiodongle :\ … i see the problem and understand it to have a difference between RPI4 and RPI5 firmware, but why do it not check by installing like this :
your rasberry hardware check
function hwcheck(){
sudo lshw -quiet | grep -qn "Raspberry Pi 5" 2>/dev/null
if [ $? == 0 ] ; then RPIHW="RPI5" ; printf " This is a $RPIHW ! \n" ; printf "call firmwarepack-$RPIHW \n"
sudo lshw -quiet | grep -qn "Raspberry Pi 4" 2>/dev/null
elif [ $? == 0 ] ; then RPIHW="RPI4" ; printf " This is a $RPIHW ! \n" ; printf "call firmwarepack-$RPIHW \n"
sudo lshw -quiet | grep -qn "Raspberry Pi 3" 2>/dev/null
elif [ $? == 0 ] ; then RPIHW="RPI3" ; printf " This is a $RPIHW ! \n" ; printf "call firmwarepack-$RPIHW \n"
else echo " System not supportet !"
(because this is bashscripting really importand)
why do it not take a Hardwarecheck and use the right scripts for supporting the right hardware in one Image and therewith it is possible for installing /runs the right firmware in the right hardware, also the right drivers for wayland , therwith it is possible for a 4K resolution to have with a correct Desktop (like Plasma6) on the Rasberry with 2 Screens and the right audiodriver …
best regards
Hello, I tried Fedora Rawhide using Linux Kernel 6.12, Fedora boot correctly now, I see the welcome window but mouse and keyboard doesn’t work…
I have a feeling that it doesn’t have support for the RP1 chip so Ethernet, MIPI interface, and GPIO probably don’t work either.