[Published] Join Fedora Week of Diversity (FWD) 2024

Article Summary:
Fedora Week of Diversity (FWD) 2024 is a virtual event that celebrates diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Fedora community and open-source ecosystem.

Article Description:
Join Fedora Week of Diversity (FWD) 2024 from June 21st to 22nd, featuring talks, panel discussions, and social activities. It’s a time to highlight the diverse voices, perspectives, and skills in the Fedora community. Submit your proposals by May 11th to share insights on open-source diversity. Together, let’s build a more inclusive community and empower underrepresented voices.

Link to draft

Featured image or inspiration for one?

Looking to publish by April 21st, 2024.


Hi @obazeeconsole, Nice work and a very cool featured image
Just a few feedbacks from my end

  • The image would look better if it came before the title
  • The image does not have an alt tag (you can use the name of the article) and relevant caption
    *Adding tags can also boost the post, e.g., community, FWD, events, etc.
    *The theme can also be added at the beginning (What is FWD section) because not everyone might get to the bottom of the article
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Thanks for the constructive feedback; I’ll get to it right away.

Alright, @obazeeconsole let me know when you do so we can finalize and get it ready for posting on Monday :ok_hand:t6:

Hi @meedarhh,

Regarding your suggestion about the image positioning, I noticed that the title is placed before the image by default and I could not effect the change. When I tried adding alt tags and a relevant caption to the image, it distorted the structure and alignment of the article. I also worked on the other suggestions you recommended. Please let me know if there’s anything else you’d like me to address.


Hi @obazeeconsole, well done!
Regrading the alt tags and caption, I think we will have to ask @jflory7 about the issue you are having with it.
Otherwise, the post looks ready to go


@obazeeconsole Nice work on the draft and thank you @meedarhh on the editing support! :muscle: This article is now prepped and scheduled for 2024-05-01T08:00:00Z.

I made a few changes before scheduling this:

  1. I removed the featured image as an embedded image in the post, and instead set the featured image as the featured image module in the editor sidebar for the post settings.
  2. Added a Read More block so that the full length of the post does not fill up the full length of the CommBlog home page.
  3. Set the post categories to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion and Events.
  4. Added a few more tags.
  5. Added the dates to the first paragraph of the post, so it is right there at the top and people can find it right away.
  6. Added a meta description for search engines using the Yoast SEO plugin.

Alright @jflory7 thank you, and the post looks good :ok_hand:t6:
Well done @obazeeconsole


Thank you! @jflory7 I appreciate your efforts and just wanted to say you’re doing a fantastic job. Well done and keep up the great work.

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