FWD 2022 call for volunteers

Originally published at: FWD 2022 call for volunteers – Fedora Community Blog

Fedora’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) team is starting to work on the Fedora Week of Diversity (FWD) 2022. This year, we’ll hold a live event on 14–15 October. We want the FWD to be the best one yet and you can help us accomplish this. This is a great opportunity for you to share your experiences with the Fedora community!

The DEI team always welcomes new folks to join! We would love to have a larger group of volunteers to make Fedora Week of Diversity bigger and better this year. Help us celebrate our diverse and inclusive community, by signing up to volunteer.

What, when, and how

The DEI team plans to incorporate live virtual sessions for this year’s Fedora Week of Diversity with a dedicated session for anyone who identifies as a woman.

We want to invite guest speakers as well as host interviews for those to have the opportunity to tell their stories and experiences of working in tech as a minority.

FWD will take place on Friday, October 14th and Saturday, October 15th.

We are looking for

  • Video editors
  • Speakers
  • Graphic designers
  • Translators
  • Interviewees

Open up your ticket on the Pagure repository to let us know what you can help the DEI team with for this year’s Fedora Week of Diversity!

Get Involved

If you want to get involved, join our chat room and our bi-weekly call to chat and get to know folks around Fedora’s D&I Team.

Look back at FWD 2021

Watch out last year’s Fedora Week of Diversity event, and our session at Nest 2021 discussing Fedora Week of Diversity.


What kind of video editing and graphic design needs do you have?