Project: Quick Docs Improvement

I’m not sure what you exactly mean by “Fedora User Docs”.

Nevertheless, @aday suggested an extensive redesign, which seems to be specifically useful for Quick Doc. He suggested among others to drop the navigation column and replace it by categories. The problem is to develop a systematic categorization. Maybe we should do it recursively step-by-step. I would suggest to start with

  1. Related Edition/Spin
    Workstation, Server,Coreos,…
  2. Type of docs
    How-to, Tutorial, Guide

Question is: Do we have a technology in place to include and display a categorization? Probably something like the authors? And do we have the technology in place to filter by categorie?

Regardless of categorization, I suggest starting with content revision. Thanks to @anthonymcglone we have 2 nice lists of old Quick Docs articles in pagure.

I suggest we work in chunk of 5 articles and start with the first list (articles with a disclaimer). That means, we create an issue for each of the first 5 articles and work on the content. As a side step, we include the author/revision/revision date specification at the top.