Programs with hardware acceleration (?) takes several minutes to open a window

Hello everyone,

I’ve a problem regarding opening programs which are using hardware acceleration… at least I believe that it has to do something with that

If I try to open a program like Firefox/LibreWolf (Flatpak version), it takes around 5 minutes until a window opens. The program itself runs already in the background (GNOME gives me a notification that program [XY] ‘runs in the background’).

I didn’t had such a problem before and happens since around a week now (after updating system elements via Software).

The terminal says (if I try to run a program via Flatpak command), that it wasn’t possible to ‘initialise a VA-API connection’. The window opened with the error message then together, so I thought that it has to do something with my problem.

I think that it has to do something with Flatpak since it only happens with Flatpak apps at this moment. Programs via RPM aren’t affected by this problem. I’ve got so frustrated by this problem that I switched distros to see if it also happens on other platforms like Ubuntu. It didn’t happened there and it showed that some parts were ‘changed by the environment’.

But now, after I switched back to Fedora, I get no error message now. Running programs via terminal shows no error message and it still takes around 5 minutes until a window of the wished program shows up.

So yeah… I’ve no clue what the problem is and hope to find help here. I’ve a Nvidia card in my system so it could be also them of course; running on Wayland - happens also with X11.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance.

With kind regards
This User

Many programs attempt to “call home” when started, so cases I have seen where programs delay starting usually involved network issues such as name resolution or firewall settings. To confirm that hardware acceleration is involved you could try some simple GUI benchmark tests such as those in the Phoronix Benchmarks.

Have a look at Firefox Take a Long Time to Start Up.

Hi George,

I agree generally with the idea that it can take longer top open if programs want to “call home”. But in my case it’s not the issue very likely since I didn’t set up any firewall or something similar (just the standard firewall rules which comes from Fedora). I installed a fresh installation of Fedora today and didn’t made any specific stuff with it so far.

Thanks for the suggestion of the Phoronix Benchmarks. May be helpful to test my system generally, but can’t help here in my case. Since I install it via DNF, it’s not affected by this issues. Only Flatpaks have this problem.

Edit: Maybe worth to note: I believe that Windows programs via Bottles are also affected by this problem because creating new Bottles takes much longer than w/o this issue. And running this programs is also partially pain because they also need several minutes to show something and/or won’t do anything at all.

Or it could just be that flatpaks are more sensitive to some issue with your graphics configuration.
Have you tried $ flatpak run --verbose ... or with --ostree-verbose to get more detailed data (see: Flatpak Firefox Hardware Acceleration).

I did this already with nothing really which indicates the problem inside. Or I overlook it maybe, so I show here what happened after running LibreWolf via the command. Maybe there’s something which I don’t understand maybe as a problem.

F: No installations directory in /etc/flatpak/installations.d. Skipping
F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/system/.local/share/flatpak
F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/system/.local/share/flatpak
F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/system/.local/share/flatpak
F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
F: /var/lib/flatpak/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/22.08/1f786f0b0eb60b8df90a1483288002dc868261e50344864d3da5cb4145cfe7a7/files/lib32 does not exist
F: Allocated instance id 3700121173
F: Add defaults in dir /io/gitlab/librewolf-community/
F: Add locks in dir /io/gitlab/librewolf-community/
F: Allowing dri access
F: Allowing wayland access
F: Allowing x11 access
F: Allowing pulseaudio access
F: Pulseaudio user configuration file '/home/system/.config/pulse/client.conf': Error while trying opening the file »/home/system/.config/pulse/client.conf«: No file or directory found
F: CUPS configuration file '/home/system/.cups/client.conf': Error while trying opening the file »/home/system/.cups/client.conf«: No file or directory found
F: Running 'bwrap --args 43 xdg-dbus-proxy --args=46'
F: Running 'bwrap --args 43 librewolf'
Gtk-Message: 19:23:02.875: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: 19:23:02.875: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: 19:23:02.878: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: 19:23:02.878: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module"

I don’t believe it’s the gtk-modules since it worked good w/o this modules already in the past. I would like to say that this problem isn’t just Firefox/LibreWolf. I believe it is also Wine app like Bottles for example, which have a problem more or less. Not with starting up but more with creating new Bottles and definitely running Windows applications through that.

Edit: I tried already the things of the “Flatpak Firefox Hardware Accerleration” tutorial. It didn’t changed something. I would even say that it made the performance worse than w/o this because everything had this glitchy lag effect if scrolling or watching videos after configuring the named settings in about:config.

I would like to add this Flatpak log from Bottles - creating a new bottle with the “Application” template:

F: No installations directory in /etc/flatpak/installations.d. Skipping
F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/system/.local/share/flatpak
F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/system/.local/share/flatpak
F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/system/.local/share/flatpak
F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
F: /var/lib/flatpak/runtime/org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/43/9adc571d54e7e046278ca70baa5c43404399cde51c1219cbf60a0f999c91ff0a/files/lib32 does not exist
F: Allocated instance id 605190567
F: Add defaults in dir /com/usebottles/bottles/
F: Add locks in dir /com/usebottles/bottles/
F: Allowing wayland access
F: Allowing x11 access
F: Allowing pulseaudio access
F: Pulseaudio user configuration file '/home/system/.config/pulse/client.conf': Fehler beim Öffnen der Datei »/home/system/.config/pulse/client.conf«: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
F: Running 'bwrap --args 46 xdg-dbus-proxy --args=48'
F: Running 'bwrap --args 46 bottles'
19:26:23 (INFO) Bottles Started! 
19:26:25 (INFO) Performing Bottles checks… 
19:26:25 (INFO) Dxvks found:
	 - dxvk-2.1-1-d14dcf5
19:26:25 (INFO) Vkd3ds found:
	 - vkd3d-proton-2.8-1-b7fb41b
19:26:25 (INFO) Nvapis found:
	 - dxvk-nvapi-v0.6.2
19:26:25 (INFO) Latencyflexs found:
	 - latencyflex-v0.1.1
19:26:25 (INFO) Runners found:
	 - soda-7.0-9
	 - sys-wine-8.0
19:26:25 (INFO) Catalog installers loaded 
19:26:25 (INFO) Catalog dependencies loaded 
19:26:25 (INFO) Catalog components loaded 
19:26:38 (INFO) Generating bottle configuration… 
19:26:38 (INFO) Using Wine Runtime tool -- send_status(-i) 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
wine: configuration in L"/home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Test-App" has been updated.
19:31:02 (INFO) Setting Windows version… 
19:31:02 (INFO) Setting CMD default settings… 
19:31:02 (INFO) Importing bundle to Test App registry 
19:31:03 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- import_bundle 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
19:33:13 (INFO) Using Wine Runtime tool -- send_status(-u) 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
wine: configuration in L"/home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Test-App" has been updated.
19:37:36 (INFO) Optimizing environment… 
19:37:36 (INFO) Adding Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\DllOverrides] with Value: [winemenubuilder.exe] and Data: [] in Test App registry 
19:37:37 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- add 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:winediag:getaddrinfo Failed to resolve your host name IP
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
19:39:37 (INFO) reg: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen
19:39:37 (INFO) Adding Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\DllOverrides] with Value: [mshtml] and Data: [] in Test App registry 
19:39:38 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- add 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
19:41:49 (INFO) reg: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen
19:41:49 (INFO) Applying environment: [application]… 
19:41:50 (INFO) Installing DXVK… 
/home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/dxvk/dxvk-2.1-1-d14dcf5/x32/d3d9.dll -> /home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Test-App/drive_c/windows/syswow64/d3d9.dll
/home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/dxvk/dxvk-2.1-1-d14dcf5/x32/d3d10core.dll -> /home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Test-App/drive_c/windows/syswow64/d3d10core.dll
/home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/dxvk/dxvk-2.1-1-d14dcf5/x32/d3d11.dll -> /home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Test-App/drive_c/windows/syswow64/d3d11.dll
/home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/dxvk/dxvk-2.1-1-d14dcf5/x32/dxgi.dll -> /home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Test-App/drive_c/windows/syswow64/dxgi.dll
/home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/dxvk/dxvk-2.1-1-d14dcf5/x64/d3d9.dll -> /home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Test-App/drive_c/windows/system32/d3d9.dll
/home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/dxvk/dxvk-2.1-1-d14dcf5/x64/d3d10core.dll -> /home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Test-App/drive_c/windows/system32/d3d10core.dll
/home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/dxvk/dxvk-2.1-1-d14dcf5/x64/d3d11.dll -> /home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Test-App/drive_c/windows/system32/d3d11.dll
/home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/dxvk/dxvk-2.1-1-d14dcf5/x64/dxgi.dll -> /home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Test-App/drive_c/windows/system32/dxgi.dll
19:41:50 (INFO) Importing bundle to Test App registry 
19:41:50 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- import_bundle 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
19:44:01 (INFO) Installing VKD3D… 
/home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/vkd3d/vkd3d-proton-2.8-1-b7fb41b/x86/d3d12.dll -> /home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Test-App/drive_c/windows/syswow64/d3d12.dll
/home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/vkd3d/vkd3d-proton-2.8-1-b7fb41b/x64/d3d12.dll -> /home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Test-App/drive_c/windows/system32/d3d12.dll
19:44:01 (INFO) Importing bundle to Test App registry 
19:44:02 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- import_bundle 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
19:46:12 (INFO) Installing dependency [arial32] in bottle [Test App]. 
arial32.exe (100%) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (555,0 KB/554,2 KB - 4,2 KB)

19:48:27 (INFO) Cabinet arial32_exe extracted successfully 
19:48:27 (INFO) Adding Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts] with Value: [Arial] and Data: [Arial.TTF] in Test App registry 
19:48:27 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- add 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
19:50:38 (INFO) reg: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen
19:50:38 (INFO) Adding Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts] with Value: [Arial Bold] and Data: [Arialbd.TTF] in Test App registry 
19:50:39 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- add 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:winediag:getaddrinfo Failed to resolve your host name IP
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
19:52:39 (INFO) reg: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen
19:52:39 (INFO) Adding Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts] with Value: [Arial Italic] and Data: [Ariali.TTF] in Test App registry 
19:52:40 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- add 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
19:54:50 (INFO) reg: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen
19:54:50 (INFO) Adding Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts] with Value: [Arial Bold Italic] and Data: [Arialbi.TTF] in Test App registry 
19:54:51 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- add 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
19:57:02 (INFO) reg: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen
19:57:02 (INFO) Setting Key Installed_Dependencies=['arial32'] for bottle Test App… 
19:57:02 (INFO) Dependency installed: arial32 in Test App 
19:57:02 (INFO) Installing dependency [times32] in bottle [Test App]. 
times32.exe (100%) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (662,5 KB/661,7 KB - 5,1 KB)

19:59:14 (INFO) Cabinet times32_exe extracted successfully 
19:59:14 (INFO) Adding Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts] with Value: [Times New Roman] and Data: [Times.TTF] in Test App registry 
19:59:14 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- add 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
20:01:25 (INFO) reg: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen
20:01:25 (INFO) Adding Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts] with Value: [Times New Roman Bold] and Data: [Timesbd.TTF] in Test App registry 
20:01:26 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- add 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
20:03:36 (INFO) reg: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen
20:03:36 (INFO) Adding Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts] with Value: [Times New Roman Italic] and Data: [Timesi.TTF] in Test App registry 
20:03:37 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- add 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
20:05:48 (INFO) reg: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen
20:05:48 (INFO) Adding Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts] with Value: [Times New Roman Bold Italic] and Data: [Timesbi.TTF] in Test App registry 
20:05:49 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- add 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
20:07:59 (INFO) reg: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen
20:07:59 (INFO) Setting Key Installed_Dependencies=['arial32', 'times32'] for bottle Test App… 
20:07:59 (INFO) Dependency installed: times32 in Test App 
20:07:59 (INFO) Installing dependency [courie32] in bottle [Test App]. 
courie32.exe (100%) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (647,2 KB/646,4 KB - 4,9 KB)

20:10:14 (INFO) Cabinet courie32_exe extracted successfully 
20:10:14 (INFO) Adding Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts] with Value: [Courier New] and Data: [cour.ttf] in Test App registry 
20:10:14 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- add 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
20:12:24 (INFO) reg: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen
20:12:24 (INFO) Adding Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts] with Value: [Courier New Bold Italic] and Data: [courbi.ttf] in Test App registry 
20:12:25 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- add 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:winediag:getaddrinfo Failed to resolve your host name IP
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
20:14:25 (INFO) reg: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen
20:14:25 (INFO) Adding Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts] with Value: [Courier New Italic] and Data: [couri.ttf] in Test App registry 
20:14:26 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- add 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
20:16:37 (INFO) reg: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen
20:16:37 (INFO) Adding Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts] with Value: [Georgia Bold Italic] and Data: [Georgiaz.TTF] in Test App registry 
20:16:38 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- add 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
20:18:48 (INFO) reg: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen
20:18:48 (INFO) Setting Key Installed_Dependencies=['arial32', 'times32', 'courie32'] for bottle Test App… 
20:18:48 (INFO) Dependency installed: courie32 in Test App 
20:18:48 (INFO) New bottle created: Test App 
20:18:48 (INFO) Using Wine Runtime tool -- send_status(-u) 
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
wine: configuration in L"/home/system/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Test-App" has been updated.
20:23:11 (INFO) Caching template… 
20:23:11 (INFO) Creating new template: 1adf362c-3647-4299-8ab0-f31cfdc1140b 
20:23:11 (INFO) Copying files … 
20:23:11 (INFO) New template application created 
20:23:11 (INFO) Bottles found:
	 - Test App

As you can see it took almost 1 hour to create a new bottle, which wasn’t the case if I did that on Ubuntu for example. And I believe that this isn’t normal either.

flatpak run --verbose doesn’t appear to have an option to provide timestamps., so you have to observe which steps take unreasonably long or pipe the output thru ts.

Well… if do that nothing changes really. The F: [string] elements doesn’t get a time stamp and the 4 Gtk-Messages are getting already a time stamp via --verbose and are definitely not the reason for this problem. Like I said, nothing appears after the window opens. So there’s no indicator at this part.

There’s a simple solution: if flatpaks are giving you so much trouble, don’t use them.


% flatpak run --verbose de.haeckerfelix.Shortwave  2>&1 | ts > flatpak.log
% cat flatpak.log
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: No installations directory in /etc/flatpak/installations.d. Skipping
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/user/.local/share/flatpak
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/user/.local/share/flatpak
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/user/.local/share/flatpak
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: /var/lib/flatpak/runtime/org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/43/9adc571d54e7e046278ca70baa5c43404399cde51c1219cbf60a0f999c91ff0a/files/lib32 does not exist
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Cleaning up unused container id 2544430954
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Cleaning up per-app-ID state for de.haeckerfelix.Shortwave
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Allocated instance id 1033896346
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Add defaults in dir /de/haeckerfelix/Shortwave/
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Add locks in dir /de/haeckerfelix/Shortwave/
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Allowing dri access
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Allowing wayland access
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Allowing pulseaudio access
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Pulseaudio user configuration file '/home/user/.config/pulse/client.conf': Error opening file /home/user/.config/pulse/client.conf: No such file or directory
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Running 'bwrap --args 40 xdg-dbus-proxy --args=42'
Mar 20 14:22:09 F: Running 'bwrap --args 40 shortwave'

Some of us have colleagues who use flatpaks (on other distros) – it is hard to discuss issues without using the same tools. I dn’t

Thanks. Here’s the output which I got after the window for LibreWolf:

M�r 20 18:48:09 F: No installations directory in /etc/flatpak/installations.d. Skipping
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/system/.local/share/flatpak
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/system/.local/share/flatpak
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/system/.local/share/flatpak
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: /var/lib/flatpak/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/22.08/1f786f0b0eb60b8df90a1483288002dc868261e50344864d3da5cb4145cfe7a7/files/lib32 does not exist
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Cleaning up unused container id 2653327500
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Allocated instance id 2640235817
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Add defaults in dir /io/gitlab/librewolf-community/
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Add locks in dir /io/gitlab/librewolf-community/
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Allowing dri access
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Allowing wayland access
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Allowing x11 access
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Allowing pulseaudio access
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Pulseaudio user configuration file '/home/system/.config/pulse/client.conf': Fehler beim Öffnen der Datei »/home/system/.config/pulse/client.conf«: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: CUPS configuration file '/home/system/.cups/client.conf': Fehler beim Öffnen der Datei »/home/system/.cups/client.conf«: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Running 'bwrap --args 42 xdg-dbus-proxy --args=45'
M�r 20 18:48:09 F: Running 'bwrap --args 42 librewolf'
M�r 20 18:48:09 Gtk-Message: 18:48:09.231: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
M�r 20 18:48:09 Gtk-Message: 18:48:09.231: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module"
M�r 20 18:48:09 Gtk-Message: 18:48:09.232: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
M�r 20 18:48:09 Gtk-Message: 18:48:09.232: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module"

All time stamps are showing that all actions were done in the same second. But it took still around 5 minutes until a window opens to use the browser. I guess that it runs in the background already, but something slows down the process of opening the window itself.

And here the same thing with Bottles, running as a test Blizzard’s BattleNet client:

M�r 20 19:32:48 F: No installations directory in /etc/flatpak/installations.d. Skipping
M�r 20 19:32:48 F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
M�r 20 19:32:48 F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/system/.local/share/flatpak
M�r 20 19:32:48 F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/system/.local/share/flatpak
M�r 20 19:32:48 F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
M�r 20 19:32:48 F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/system/.local/share/flatpak
M�r 20 19:32:48 F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
M�r 20 19:32:48 F: /var/lib/flatpak/runtime/org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/43/9adc571d54e7e046278ca70baa5c43404399cde51c1219cbf60a0f999c91ff0a/files/lib32 does not exist
M�r 20 19:32:48 F: Cleaning up unused container id 1254816835
M�r 20 19:32:48 F: Cleaning up per-app-ID state for com.usebottles.bottles
M�r 20 19:32:48 F: Allocated instance id 901357501
M�r 20 19:32:48 F: Add defaults in dir /com/usebottles/bottles/
M�r 20 19:32:48 F: Add locks in dir /com/usebottles/bottles/
M�r 20 19:32:48 F: Allowing wayland access
M�r 20 19:32:48 F: Allowing x11 access
M�r 20 19:32:48 F: Allowing pulseaudio access
M�r 20 19:32:48 F: Pulseaudio user configuration file '/home/system/.config/pulse/client.conf': Fehler beim Öffnen der Datei »/home/system/.config/pulse/client.conf«: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
M�r 20 19:32:49 F: Running 'bwrap --args 43 xdg-dbus-proxy --args=47'
M�r 20 19:32:49 F: Running 'bwrap --args 44 bottles'
M�r 20 19:32:49 19:32:49 (INFO) Bottles Started! 
M�r 20 19:32:51 19:32:51 (INFO) Performing Bottles checks… 
M�r 20 19:32:51 19:32:51 (INFO) Dxvks found:
M�r 20 19:32:51 	 - dxvk-2.1-1-d14dcf5
M�r 20 19:32:51  
M�r 20 19:32:51 19:32:51 (INFO) Vkd3ds found:
M�r 20 19:32:51 	 - vkd3d-proton-2.8-1-b7fb41b
M�r 20 19:32:51  
M�r 20 19:32:51 19:32:51 (INFO) Nvapis found:
M�r 20 19:32:51 	 - dxvk-nvapi-v0.6.2
M�r 20 19:32:51  
M�r 20 19:32:51 19:32:51 (INFO) Latencyflexs found:
M�r 20 19:32:51 	 - latencyflex-v0.1.1
M�r 20 19:32:51  
M�r 20 19:32:51 19:32:51 (INFO) Runners found:
M�r 20 19:32:51 	 - soda-7.0-9
M�r 20 19:32:51 	 - sys-wine-8.0
M�r 20 19:32:51  
M�r 20 19:32:51 19:32:51 (INFO) Bottles found:
M�r 20 19:32:51 	 - Test App
M�r 20 19:32:51  
M�r 20 19:32:51 19:32:51 (INFO) Catalog installers loaded 
M�r 20 19:32:51 19:32:51 (INFO) Catalog dependencies loaded 
M�r 20 19:32:51 19:32:51 (INFO) Catalog components loaded 
M�r 20 19:32:52 19:32:52 (INFO) Setting Key sync=fsync for bottle Test App… 
M�r 20 19:32:52 19:32:52 (INFO) There is no running wineserver. 
M�r 20 19:32:53 19:32:53 (INFO) Launching an executable… 
M�r 20 19:32:53 19:32:53 (WARNING) Windows path detected. Avoiding validation. 
M�r 20 19:32:53 19:32:53 (INFO) Using Wine Starter -- run 
M�r 20 19:32:53 19:32:53 (INFO) Using EasyAntiCheat runtime 
M�r 20 19:32:53 19:32:53 (INFO) Using BattlEye runtime 
M�r 20 19:32:53 fsync: up and running.
M�r 20 19:32:53 wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
M�r 20 19:35:04 002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (2).
M�r 20 19:35:05 0150:err:ole:com_get_class_object apartment not initialised

Blizzard’s client takes around 3 minutes to open a window. It tries to run “winemenubuilder.exe -r” but fails to do that. The window opens together with the error message.

Well… as someone who didn’t had so far issues with Flatpaks (it just started to happen since around a week), I would like to have the possibility to use Flatpaks w/o a problem. Beside that, not all programs which are running via Flatpak are affected by this. Bottles opens instantly for example. But if it’s about starting a program via Wine with bottles… well see the log. Also, what if I’ve a program which’s only available via Flatpak (like Bottles)? Should I just stop using any program then completely and look for something else too? I mean I want to use my system w/o any problem, Flatpaks included. And it happens also only on Fedora, not on Ubuntu for example. So I’m thankful for any help I can get.

But this sentence isn’t helpful really for me in this case.

In that case, try installing Firefox directly and see if that works better. And, as far as Bottles goes, I have no idea what that program does and neither does Wikipedia. If the program you need is that new, or that obscure, don’t assume that everybody here is going to be familiar with it. A pointer to its website, or whatever, would be very helpful.

I tried that already and I can say that it works there like it should. But I want that both version works so I can switch between them if one of them doesn’t want to work anymore. Also, I know directly where I can find the installation folder of my programs with Flatpak instead of searching through my complete system to find it. I want them at one place where I can search for files if I need it. And I don’t need to add one app repository after another.

Bottles is a Wine manager where you can create ‘bottles’ which are Wine prefixes. It makes it easier to install Windows programs on Linux. I use it to install gaming clients BattleNet for example because it works there w/o problems. I know that Lutris (specifically made for managing games) is also a thing but I like Bottles more because it’s in my opinion more flexible regarding installing simple .exe files for example and was so far not so buggy like Lutris from time to time. It also offers Wine runners, which are working for me better than the one from Lutris for example. It isn’t really new or “obscure” in my opinion.

does running, flatpak run --command=sh org.mozilla.firefox and then running firefox provide any additional information?

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I was about to suggest the same.

The next step should be to run one of the applications from a shell per Flatpak Debugging. This should allow you to run ps while waiting for the window to open and may reveal what is taking so much time.

1 Like

Well… I’m able to get into the shell and if I read it correctly I need to run it via gbd to get some output but I can’t find the /app/folder to start it inside the shell. What am I missing? Or do I need to do sth completely different inside the shell?
(Sry if it makes the whole thing more annoying than it already is. I know some commands but not all of them and I didn’t had to do something with the shell so far.)

In the terminal, run:


to find the full path to use.

I tried but no results if I enter “LibreWolf” or the term from Flatpak “io.gitlab.librewolf-community”. Just a empty string with no results.

I wouldn’t start with gdb. I would start with ps to see what is running what is waiting, and what is using memory, and also do some snooping to see what files are being created. The pause could be waiting for a download of some resource from the internet, rebuilding a cache, etc. It may be useful to have a graphing resource monitor running in a normal window to check for peaks in resource demands that coincide with the timing of the long delay.

Ok. I just tried just for fun the Flatpak version of Firefox itself and… it doesn’t even open. No error message or something similar, it just runs a bit in the background for a few minutes until it closes itself without any noises.

If I start it normally and look at the same time on the system monitor, I can see that the gnome-shell gets a little bit higher (around 1-1.5% CPU usage). But it fluctates around that and goes every few seconds down again. So I don’t know if this should say something to me or not.