On fedora 40 kde icons move after being locked

Installed fedora 40 kde, I set up tiger vnc, my application has 41 icons, after arranging icons and locking the screen, starting vnc the next day the icons are in alphabetic order. I have installed the wayland-xterm update

I have 3 screen shots showing what I mean about the icons moving; the included 3 screen shots ;one the original screen with the icons set up logically. The next 2 screen shots showing the icons having moved until the icons all line up, alphabetically. The screen still says the icons are Locked, even though they move themselves! I can’t distribute my system in this condition. I hope the images upload, I have never done this before. Thank You. John

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Do you have a question for us?

Yes, I need a solution to Icons that move after being ‘locked’. I can’t ship a system without icons being fixed.
John A. Ward

Are you using a custom icon theme? If yes then restore the default icons theme. The issue will go away.

No Custom Icons I use the ones with creating a new link to applications and the Plasma is up to 5.27 so it isn’t a solved issue?

This is not a Fedora issue. It is a well known bug in the KDE system already, and they haven’t worked it out yet. However, I have not experienced this issue personally.

I would recommend that you upgrade Plasma to the latest 6.1.

The KDE community also runs their own forum. You can get faster help there when it is the desktop environment issue only.


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Thank you for your response, really helpful.
**Mr. Bozdar,
I took what you were saying and got on the KDE forum, they are at 6.1 for Fedora 40 and KDE, so I got a download from the Fedora bittorrent, presuming it would be upto date and correct and that I may have done something using the dnf update for Fedora 39-40 upgrade.
Well I discovered that the Fedora base system is GNOME based, you already new that and I can see why I haven’t looked at Gnome since my daughter used it 10 years ago, what a bunch of stupidity. First my new 27inch monitor came up in 800X600 resolution and can’t be changed. I then did the install of KDE and got KDE screen back and could work normally, but still at 800x600 resolution, Gnome seems to have done something with some file. So the Wayland - X11 fixes didn’t fix everything, it is at this point back to a Fedora 40 problem and is getting serious, since I am starting to advertise and have a broken system I can’t ship that was working perfectly under Fedora 39. Since the Icons move by themselves, while still saying they are locked, they seem to move a few at at time, after 1 day, the next morning some have moved, the next morning, when I come down to the office, more have moved. I haven’t witnessed them moving while on the system, but when left to themselves they arrange into alpha order, while still being locked.

I have been updating Fedora 40 every other day, so KDE is up to 6.2.2. Just yesterday I did a dnf update and re-arranged the icons, again, and low in the morning I had a alphabetic arrangement of icons. Still a serious show stopping problem. I have managed to get a kde torrent download of Fedora 39, which is working as it should, so I can ship the old release, for the time. John